You can view quotes and quote items in AroFlo Field as well as create simple quotes. Detailed Quotes You currently cannot create Detailed Quotes using AroFlo Field but you can view them and view items. Access your quotes within AroFlo Field from:
Quote Header
The quote header tells you the job number and quote name. Edit the status and substatus from here if you need to and Save. If approving a quote, you'll have an extra field to record the acceptance status. See Approve a Quote for more information. Also included is the labor timer and the option to email the quote to your client. Tap (back) to return to your Quote List. Quote status explanations
Read more about quote statuses, including workflows for the approval process. |
Quote Shortcuts
Tap the plus button to access a list of shortcuts so you can easily add things to your quote:
Quote Tabs
The quote worksheet is broken up into five tabs: The Notes and More tabs will have a counter on them if there is information contained within them, e.g. if a note or document has been added. |
Overview tab
The Quote Overview gives you the main details of the quote, and is broken up into sections. How much information is available is dependent on what's been included on the quote.
Client Information
The client name and details is shown at the top of the worksheet. Explanation of fields
Line Items
This is a quick place to see items already added to the quote. If your quote doesn't have items on it yet, you can add line items from here or set a quick total. See Quote Items for more information |
Quote Totals overview
These are the overall totals of the quote. Tap an entry to go to the Line Items tab. | |
Quote tiles
These are quick links to view and access quote-related information.
Counters What do the colors and numbers mean?
Checklists tile colored indicators
Alert icon - this appears if you have tried to approve the quote before completing any required checklist items. |
Quote Details
Tap to hide this info. Explanation of fields
Custom Fields
You may have additional fields available to you if custom fields have been set for the task type and/or have been filled out on the client card and have been set to display. Examples include a text box, a select box, a date field, radio buttons, a canvas draw field, or a documents and photos field. See Custom Fields for more information, including types of fields and how you can use these in your workflow. See Tasks - Overview for a few examples of custom field types. Tap to hide the fields. |
Quote time and Expenses
This is time and expenses incurred in the actual creation of the quote, e.g. the time it took to create the quote. Entries recorded here will carry across to the task as Labor and Expense entries once the quote is approved. See more below - Record Labor on a Quote. |
Switch between the description types:
Other tabs
Line Items
Tap the Line Items tab to view and add items to your quote. See Quote Items for more information. You can also view your quote totals and markups from here. See Edit a Quote - Quote Totals for more information. |
Tap the Checklists tab to access checklists specific to quotes. Checklists can:
Checklists are set up in Site Administration. See Checklist Templates. Click the (expand icon) beside a checklist item to display additional options. Show thisThe 1 in brackets indicates information is contained within one of those additional options. |
Record general information about this quote or job and/or view existing notes. Read more on notes. |
All other applicable aspects related to the quote appear in the More tab, in the form of a pop-up. Certain options will have a counter on them to indicate that information is contained within them.
Record Labor on a Quote
There are three ways to record labor on a quote:
Time Spent Tile
Tap the Time Spent tile in the Overview to record labor entries for time spent producing the quote, e.g. time taken for an inspection of the work to be carried out. If the quote is approved, these entries will carry across to the task. Alternatively, these entries can be added to an invoice, if applicable. Labor entries are recorded in much the same way as on a task. Read more here. Checklists Checklist items can also contain a shortcut to create a labor entry. See Record a new labor entry. |
Quote shortcuts
You can also use the Quote Shortcuts button > Add Time Spent to quickly add a Labour entry without first viewing the value.
Task Timer
Alternatively, you can also use the Task Timer in the quote header to record a labor entry. The Task Timer works in the same way as on a task. Read more. Checklists Checklist items can be set up to automatically start or stop the labour timer. Read more here. |
Preview a Quote
Tap Preview to preview what the quote will look like to your client. | Show this |
Show this |
Print Preview settings
If you need to use a different layout, tap and select a layout from the dropdown and Save. Saving Quote Layouts The Layout field displays the Default Print Layout. If you change the layout and save the quote, AroFlo will remember the selection if you need it again in the future. The default will also display, just in case you need it. For approved quotes, you can also access the online quote link from here. Tap to copy the quote link or to regenerate it. More on Online Quotes |
In Progress QuoteApproved Quote |
In Progress QuoteApproved Quote |
Tap (share) to share either the online quote link, or the internal link, using your device's share option. The quote needs to be approved before you can use the share option. |
Tap (down arrow) to download the quote as a PDF.
View Online
Tap View Online to preview the online quote.
Only approved quotes can be viewed online. If the quote is not yet approved, you will be prompted to approve it, and then you can proceed with previewing the online quote.
More on Online Quotes.