Task Types - Overview

Learn how to configure the settings for the types of work your business performs

Updated on March 19th, 2025

Task types are used to define the different types of work your business performs, e.g. Installation, Service, Maintenance. This is useful for operational or reporting purposes.

Each task created in AroFlo is assigned to a specific task type, and the settings within a task type are applied to the task. This allows you to automate the process of adding checklists or service charges to a task, saving you time and helping to ensure the correct charges are applied for invoicing.

Default Task Types
New AroFlo sites will come with sample task types relevant to your industry, or your site administrator can create more to fit your business needs.


Custom Fields
Custom Fields and Task Asset Custom Fields can be linked to task types so that certain fields are visible depending on the selected task type.


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Create a task type

  1. In Site Admin, go to Settings.
  2. Use the search box to find Task Types.
  3. Click Create Task Type.
  4. Enter the Task Type Name.
  5. Enter a Description (optional).
  6. Select a default Priority (optional).
  7. Save.

Add an existing task type

If you have multiple business units, you can import an existing task type from another business unit by selecting from the dropdown list found on the Create Task Type screen.


Reordering Task Types

The first task type in the list will be used as a default task type. Use the (two bars icon) to drag your task types to a preferred order.

Click Save once done.

Add emojis

You can add emojis to your Task Type names to make it easier at a glance to know which is which. Use the Windows key + full stop (or semicolon), or Command + Control + Space on a Mac, to bring up the emoji panel.

Click for examples

Selecting a Task Type with emojis in AroFlo Field


Edit a task type

Task types allow you to control what elements are added to a task, e.g. each task type can have a different checklist or procedure that applies to that type of work. You can even link material items to a task type to ensure those materials are automatically added to the task when the task is created.

Minimum labour charges and default service fees can also be predefined on a task type to help speed up and improve the accuracy of your invoicing.

To edit a task type:

  1. In Site Admin, go to Settings.
  2. Use the search box to find Task Types.
  3. Click the name of the task type you want to edit.
  4. Make the changes you need to make. See below for an explanation of the fields.
  5. Click Save.

Default Service Fee

Set a default service fee that includes a component of labour (e.g. Call Out Fee, Admin Fee) that the system will automatically add to an invoice. To add a default service fee:

  1. Click Add New.
  2. Enter a Service Fee Description.
  3. Enter the cost value (ex GST) of the service fee - used for profit and loss reporting.
  4. Enter the sell value (ex GST) of the service fee - used for invoicing.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Save Task Type.

Checklist tab

Setting Description
Auto Add Checklist

Select the checklist(s) to be automatically added when a task is created using this task type. Checklists that have been added appear below the dropdown menu.

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Manual Add Checklist Select the checklist(s) which can be manually added by a user after tasks have been created.
Ad-hoc Checklist Item Defaults Set the behaviour of manually-added checklist items.

Default Settings tab

Setting Description
Default Priority

You can set a default priority for this task type.

For example, all 'After Hours' jobs could be set as Priority 1. Refer to Priorities for instructions on setting up a priority list.

Default Work Type Set a default Work Type for this task type that will be automatically selected when users book labour against the task.
Default Description

Select a relevant ‘Task Description’ Description Template that appears by default when creating a task.

  • Click to preview the contents of description templates before making a selection, or to select from a different type of description (e.g. ‘Quote Description’).
  • Keep in mind that the default description also appears when creating a quote.
Calendar Colours

Use the colour picker to select a colour that will represent this task type for jobs scheduled in the calendar.

The ‘Background’ colour you set refers to the Task Type schedule label on the schedule tile. Ensure it is set as a 'Header Label' for this coloured label to display. See Colour Settings for more info on schedule colours.

Default Tracking Centres Set default tracking centres for the labour, material, expense, and freight components of this task type.
Minimum Labour Charge

Set a minimum dollar value for labour charges that the system uses to ensure the full minimum labour charge is added to an invoice, regardless of the actual labour costs booked on the job.


For example, if you always charge a minimum labour value of $80 and a technician books labour charges of only $40, the system will automatically add a balancing line item of $40 when you create the invoice.

Things to note:

  • The difference in labour charged to the customer will be included as a new line item on the invoice so that it adds up to the full minimum labour charge.
  • If a technician's labour charge exceeds the minimum labour charge set, this calculation will be ignored when the invoice is raised.
  • If labour has not been booked on a task, this calculation will not be performed.
Minimum Labour Charge Type You can choose to display the minimum labour charge (balancing line item) on the invoice as an Expense or Labour item.
Minimum Labour Charge Text Enter a label for the minimum labour charge (balancing line item) that will appear on the invoice.

Linked Compliance Forms tab

Click Add Form Link to access the full list of all the compliance forms you have in the system. Click to add a form to the task type and click X to close the Select Compliance Form window.

To make completion of the form compulsory before the task can be worked on, click the Complete Before Starting Task checkbox.

To make completion of the form compulsory before the task can be marked as completed, click the Complete Before Closing Task checkbox.

Click Save Task Type when you've added all the forms you need.

Read more about this setting


Linked Documents & Folders tab

There are two things you can do here:

  • You can create a default folder structure for tasks using this task type. This means that all newly-created tasks using this task type will automatically contain this folder structure.
  • You can upload documents to the task type. These documents will be automatically added to tasks using this task type. Refer to Manage Documents and Photos for instructions on uploading documents to AroFlo.

Linked Materials tab

Materials can be automatically added to tasks by linking them to the task type. Use the Multi-Search button to search for inventory, assembliesSOR items, or alternatively, add an ad-hoc item using the + Ad-hoc button.