Quote Items

Learn how to interact with quote items and the options available

Updated on October 4th, 2024

Detailed Quotes

You can view items for Detailed Quotes using AroFlo Field but they are currently read-only and cannot be edited.



Viewing Quoted Items or Totals

There are a few ways to check quoted items or totals on a Quote:

Line Items section

The easiest way to check if your quote contains line items is the line items section on the Overview. Tap View Line Items (x) to go to the Quote Items screen.

If your quote doesn't have items on it yet, you can add line items from here or set a quick total.

See Add items to a quote for both of these options


Quote Totals overview

The overall totals of the quote displays underneath the line items section. Tap an entry to go to the Line Items tab (see next tab).

Line Items tab

The Line Items tab shows you the items added to the quote.

To view quote totals such as labour hours, cost of materials, and overall markup, slide up from the totals at the bottom, or tap anywhere in the totals area. See Edit a Quote - View Quote Totals for an explanation of these fields.

If you want to use tax-inclusive pricing on your quote, tap Ex. GST at the top of the line items.

  • You can only view and edit items for simple quotes. Click here to learn more about simple vs detailed quotes.
  • You cannot add or edit items if the quote's status is anything other than In Progress.

If you need to add items to your quote, see Add items to a quote.


Line Items area

Once items have been added to your quote, they'll appear in the line items area. Tap the + or - buttons to adjust quantities.

If you want to use tax-inclusive pricing on your quote, tap Ex. GST at the top of the line items.


Swipe actions

Swipe right ➡️ to set an item as optional or convert to an assembly (ad-hoc items only). See below for more information.

Swipe left ⬅️ to duplicate or delete an item.

Show this



Long Press actions

Long press an item to access the Multi-Select options and the ability to reorder. Read more below.


Line Item Options

Tap the options button in the Line Items header to access the Line Item options:

Apply Latest Inventory Pricing

If your inventory pricing has seen some fluctuations since the quote was originally built, use this option to update your line items' costs based off your latest inventory pricing.

You'll get notified for how many items will be affected, or if no items are affected.


Enable Sorting

Use this to reorder your items:

  1. Tap and drag the (double line) up or down for each item you want to reorder
  2. Save Item Order once done.

You can also reorder items using the Long Press actions. See above.




Enable Multi-Delete

Use this to delete multiple items:

  1. Tap the check box beside each item you need to delete

    Use the top check box to select all items.

  2. Tap Delete Line Items and confirm deletion.

Enable Multi-Select

Use this to select multiple items for the purpose of:

  • Moving items to/out of an assembly or option group
  • Duplicating them
  • Deleting them.
  1. Tap the check box beside each item you want to select

    Use the top check box to select all items.

  2. Tap Actions
  3. Choose the relevant option.

You can also select multiple items using the Long Press actions. See above.


Switch to Compact View

This changes how the line items are displayed for all quotes.

Repeat this to switch back to the Detailed View.

Detailed View vs Compact View
Detailed View vs Compact View


Editing items

Tap an item if you need to edit it, such as changing the description, part number, price, or markup. Tap Show More to access the optional fields. See Add items to a quote - New Line Item for an explanation of these fields.

Changes will apply to this quote only and will not update your inventory items.


From these fields, you can also change an item's option group.

Remember to Save Line Item if making changes.

From the main edit screen, you can change a material item to labour (or vice versa) and you'll also have the following options available:

Option Description
Set as Optional Set the item as optional and set whether or not you want to include the item in your quote total. More info on optional items below.
Measurement Calculator Use the Measurement Calculator for this item.
Convert To Assembly Convert an item into an assembly (only available for manually entered line items and items added from existing quotes). More info on assemblies below.
Move To Move the item to/out of an assembly or option group.
Duplicate Duplicates the item.
Delete Item Deletes the item

 Markup options

You may see the following option(s), depending on the inventory item's settings:



Tap the (percentage badge) button to select a price level sell value.


Tap the (percentage) button to select a price level markup.


For SOR items within an SOR List, you'll have an additional Options button, allowing you to select the relevant price level.

Optional items

Optional items are marked with a slider beside the name. If the slider is set to the left, the item is not included in your quote total. Tap the slider to the right to set the item to be included in your quote total and remember to Save your quote.

To make an item optional or remove it from being optional, either use the swipe actions or edit the line item.


Updating Assemblies and Option Groups

Tap an Assembly or Option Group to edit it:


Tap the in the header to set the assembly as optional, delete it, or convert it back to a line item (if the assembly contains no items).

Tap the in the line items header to access the line item options. See above.


Option Groups

Tap the in the header to Delete the Option Group.

Tap the in the line items header to access the line item options. See above.

More on Option Groups



Detailed Quotes

On a detailed quote, you can view the quote takeoffs. Tap a takeoff to view its items.


Takeoffs and their items are read-only and can only be edited in AroFlo Office.

  • Within takeoffs, you can tap the (options button)  in the Line Items header to switch to Compact View. See above.
  • You can also slide up from the totals at the bottom, or tap anywhere in the totals area, to access the overall totals for that takeoff.


Quote Totals

Slide up from the totals at the bottom, or tap anywhere in the totals area, to access the overall quote totals, such as the labour hours, overall markup, and cost of labour and materials.

This information can also be found on the Items Total tab. See Edit a Quote > View Quote Totals for an explanation of these fields.


Close this section to return or Save if you've made any changes.

Sending the quote to your client

For instructions on emailing or printing your quote from AroFlo Field, see Emailing and Printing.