Quotes List in AroFlo Field

Learn how to track your current pipeline of quotes in AroFlo Field

Updated on August 22nd, 2024

View a Quote

Tap > Quotes to open your quotes list.

Your quotes that are in progress will display in this list with the most recent at the top.

Each quote contains an indicator of whether the quote is a simple or detailed quote, as well as shows the status and substatus, if applicable.

From here, tap the quote you would like to view.



Search quotes

If you know some of the details of the quote, you can search for it.

  1. Tap the search button (magnifying glass). 
  2. Use the Term dropdown to select what you're searching for:   

    Terms include Quote Name, Reference Number, Job Number, Client or Description.

  3. Type in any Keywords
  4. Set a date range (visible when searching Approved Quotes only)
  5. Click Search.

Quotes matching your search terms will be displayed.

Filter By

Tap (Filter By) to select a different quote status before searching.



Viewing Quotes in other statuses

The default status when viewing quotes from the Quotes List is In Progress. To view quotes in other statuses (e.g. Approved or Pending Approval) from the Quote List:

  1. Tap the (Filter by) button.
  2. Select the status you want to open and Apply
  3. Select the quote you would like to view.

Acceptance Status sub filter

If you select Approved, this will give you an additional filter to let you filter by your acceptance statuses.


List of Quote statuses:

Status Description
In Progress Quote is currently being worked on
Pending Approval Quote is pending approval from client/internal approval
Approved Quote has been approved by client/has been approved internally
Rejected Client has decided not to go ahead with quote