Add items to a quote

Learn how you can add quote items in a few simple steps using AroFlo Field

Updated on October 8th, 2024

There are a few methods of adding items to a quote. Choose your preferred method below to learn more.

  • You currently cannot add items to Detailed Quotes using AroFlo Field; simple quotes only.
  • Quotes need to be in the In Progress status in order to add items to them.


Add a Quick Total

1 Tap Add Quick Total

If your quote doesn't yet have any line items on it, tap Add Quick Total from the line items section.

2a Total Only

Enter a quick total for the quote (Tax Ex but you can switch to Inc if necessary) and Save. This will enter a line item for this amount with the description ‘Works Requested’.

2b Material & Labour

Alternatively, tap Material & Labour to enter individual amounts for materials and labour (switching to Tax Inc if needed) and Save. This will enter a line item called ‘Material’ and an item called ‘Labour’.


Add Line Items

Add line items to a quote from one of the following areas:

Quote shortcuts

The easiest way to add line items to a quote is via the Quote shortcuts button > Add Line Items and choose the relevant option via the sub-menu.

Line items section

You can also tap Add Line Items from the line items section to access these same options, or if your quote contains items, View Line Items (x) > to get to the Quote Items screen and add items from there.

Line Items tab

Tap an entry in the Quote Totals overview to go to the Line Items tab, or simply tap Line Items and add items from there.

Choose the type of line item to add:

Option Description
From Inventory Add items from Inventory, Task specific lists, SOR lists and items, or Assemblies.
From a Quote Add items from your existing quotes.
From Supplier Catalogue Directly access your preferred online Supplier Catalogue.
New Option Group Add a new Option Group.
New Line Item Add an ad-hoc item (items not in your inventory).

See below for further instructions on each of these.



From Inventory

Tap From Inventory to add existing inventory items and inventory lists to your quote. Use the filter button to select which set of items you want to search.

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Search Tips

Search box

Use the search box to narrow down your search results. Type an item name or item number.

Barcode Scanner

If searching Inventory, you can use the barcode scanner feature within the search box.



Use the category search to display items within their categories and sub-categories.


Search your entire inventory list and add items to your quote.

  1. Tap Add Item
  2. (optional) Use the  +  or  -  buttons to adjust quantities, or simply enter a quantity in the box provided.

Task Specific Lists

Easily insert inventory items from a task specific list to your quote.

  1. Tap Add Task List
  2. (optional) Use the  +  or  -  buttons to adjust quantities, or simply enter a quantity in the box provided.

View items

Tap the (blue arrow) to expand the list to view the items within the task-specific list.


SoR Lists

Insert SOR Lists to your quote.

  1. Tap Add SOR List
  2. (optional) Use the  +  or  -  buttons to adjust quantities, or simply enter a quantity in the box provided.

View items

Tap the (blue arrow) to expand the list to view the items within the SOR list.


SoR Items

Insert Schedule of Rates (SOR) items to your quote. Only inventory items that are marked as SOR items will display in the search results.

  1. Tap Add Item
  2. (optional) Use the  +  or  -  buttons to adjust quantities, or simply enter a quantity in the box provided.


Search through your assemblies.

  1. Tap Add Assembly
  2. (optional) Use the  +  or  -  buttons to adjust quantities, or simply enter a quantity in the box provided.

Tap the (blue arrow) to expand the list to view the items within the Assembly.


In this example we've expanded the assembly to view the items within it and we can see that adding a quantity of 2 would add 2 brackets, 30 cables, etc.


 Item info

Using any of the above options, you can tap an item to view additional item details and/or access documents and photos attached to the item.


Advanced Search

An alternative to the search box and the category search is the Advanced Search. This is ideal if you know some of the item's other details, e.g. the Identifier or Manufacturer.

Tap (magnifying glass with text) to use Advanced Search. Switch between Inventory, Task Lists, SOR Lists, SOR Items, and Assemblies from the top section and fill out what information you want to search in the relevant field(s). Tap Search Item to display results. The following screen will display how many items match the criteria and labels will tell you what you searched. Tap the x on a label to expand your search. Tap the X at the top right to return to your inventory list.

If an item has already been added to the quote, a counter will display on the Add Item button when displayed in the list, to indicate this. This will save you from accidentally adding the same item to a quote.


Add selected items to Quote

Once you've finished selecting your items, you can either add them straight to the quote, or, you can review them first to double check your pricing and make any adjustments, etc, before adding them.

Save and close

The quickest way to add your items to the quote is to tap Save and close. The Selected items button will let you know how many line items (as opposed to item quantities) have been added so far. This will add the items to the quote and return to the Quote Items list (see below).

Note that this method will bypass reviewing items (as per next tab).


Review selected items

To review what you have added so far, tap Selected items. This will display a list of the items you've added so far and a total. From here, review your quantities and prices. When you're ready, tap Add selected items to quote to return to the Quote Items list (see below).

Inventory Lists

If you've added Inventory Lists (Task specific lists, SOR lists, or Assemblies), these will appear in the grouped view, similar to above, and you can adjust quantities for the whole list or for each item.


Remove items

To remove an item or list, make the quantity 0 (except for items within inventory lists).


 Forgotten to add items?

If you press back < without making a selection, you'll be prompted to add your selected items to the quote, or remove them. Note that adding items this way will bypass reviewing them. If you want to review your items first, tap away from this prompt and tap Selected items.


From a Quote

Add items from existing quotes.

  1. Tap a quote name
  2. Tap Select
  3. On the next screen, tap the check box beside each item you want to copy to your quote and tap Add Items.

Search and Filter

If necessary, use the search, search options (e.g. search by quote number or task type) and filter options (filter by status or quote type) prior to displaying matching quotes.



From Supplier Catalogue

Tap Supplier Catalogue to directly access your preferred online Supplier Catalogue.

Using this feature is useful for accurate material costs, as pricing is live from the supplier.



Add a new Option Group

Create a grouping of items and select if you want the group type (multiple items or single item).

See Quote Option Groups for more information.



New Line Item

Tap New Line Item to manually enter the details of an item (ad-hoc item).

Use this for items not in your inventory.


This defaults to a Material type line item (e.g. a PVC Pipe). Tap Labour to enter a labour type line item (e.g. ‘Installing Pipe’).

  1. Fill out the mandatory fields
  2. (optional) Tap Show More to access and/or fill out the optional fields
  3. Tap Add Line Item to record your entry.
Field Description
Description Name of the item.
Quantity Enter the quantity needed.
Sell Ex. Sell price of the item exclusive of tax.

Optional fields

Field Description
Part No. Enter a part number


(Material items only)

Installation time
Cost Ex. Cost of the item exclusive of tax.
Markup If you don't have a default markup for materials set in Site Admin, enter a markup percentage.
Sell Ex. Sell price of the item exclusive of tax.
Total Ex. Total cost of the item exclusive of tax (uneditable)

Tax Code

Select a tax code

Tracking Centre

Select a tracking centre

See Quote Items for information on interacting with items once they've been added

See also Measurement Calculator in AroFlo Field for instructions on quoting in Linear Measures