Event Messages

Learn how to set up automatic alerts for events that occur within AroFlo

Updated on July 27th, 2024

Event messages allow you to set up automatic alerts for a range of events that occur within AroFlo.

  • Set up automated messages that are triggered by AroFlo events, like quote approvals, task completion, task or quote checklist items, or updated calendar schedules.
  • Set event messages to be sent as an email, SMS, notifications or webhook.
  • Set who the message will be sent from and delivered to.
  • Set who can trigger an event (Management, Supervisor, Worker, other).
  • Set when the message will be sent: either at the time of the event or after a delay.

What if I am an AroFlo Go user?

users won't have access to the full Event Messages menu but they will be able to use the Default Event Messages described below at no extra cost. Additionally, AroFlo Go users might see 'No User-Defined Event Message' in some of the categories you use to enable or disable these. This is a system message informing you that there is nothing to configure in that option. 



Default Event Messages

AroFlo comes with a range of default Event Messages you can choose to use to help get you started. These are simple emails or notifications designed to communicate activity in certain commonly used features to the relevant user.

Default messages cannot be edited but they can be disabled or enabled whenever you like.

Area of System
Goes to...
Schedule Create Scheduled user
Invoice Payment Created Business Unit manager
Invoice Send by AroConnect Client Primary Contact
Quote Acceptance Status Accepted Quote Estimator
Purchase Order Create Business Unit manager
Task Assign To User task is assigned to
Work Order Send by AroConnect Contractor Primary Contact

To disable these default Event Messages:

  1. Go to Site Admin > Settings > General > Event Messages
  2. Select an Event that will trigger messages (see above)
  3. Change the Enabled dropdown to Disabled
  4. Save Settings.

After disabling the Event Message, you can choose to either continue without using these, or set up your own using the instructions below.

Alternatively, if you're not currently using these event messages and you want to, follow the above instructions but select Enabled from the dropdown and Save Settings.


Conditional Event Messages

Another type of event message that AroFlo can trigger is a Conditional Event Message.

These require certain conditions to be met before they do or do not trigger. These use predefined templates like Default Event Messages and can be enabled and disabled the same way as described in the above instructions.

The description of Conditional Event Messages tells you the conditions that must be met for them to trigger.
The description of Conditional Event Messages tells you the conditions that must be met for them to trigger.
Area of System
Goes to...
Invoice Payment Reminder Client Primary Contact


Add an Event Message

To add an event message:

  1. Go to Site Admin > Settings > General > Event Messages

    - To set up event messages for a specific client, switch to the Office Site and go to Manage > Clients > Select Client > Event Messages (under Client Specific Settings).

    - Certain event messages are specific to clients. See the expand below for a list.

  2. Select an Event that will trigger messages (from the list on the left).
  3. Choose the message type, either Add Email, Add SMS or Add Webhook.
  4. Learn more about these message types below.

Client-specific event messages

The following event messages can only be found when creating an event message for a particular client (see above instructions).

  • Task Checklist - Pass
  • Task Checklist - Fail
  • Task Checklist - N/A

Use these to send an event message whenever a checklist item has been marked as passed, failed or n/a on a task belonging to this client.

The template of your event message could include Checklist static data fields, e.g. Task Checklist details, Checklist item name, Checklist notes, etc.


Checklist event messages

You can also set event messages for specific task or quote checklist items when marked as passed, failed, or n/a. This is done within Checklist Templates. See Checklist event messages and head back to this page to continue the setup.



Set up an Event Message

An event message can be sent as an email, SMS or webhook.


Email alerts can be sent to multiple people who can be set as To, CC (Carbon Copy) and BCC (Blind Carbon Copy).

Show me


Multiple Business Units

If an email event message fails to send, the default behaviour is for the top-level BU Manager and top-level BU email address to receive notifications.



Use this method to quickly send an SMS to clients or technicians in the field.

SMS Requirements

  • If you want to send an event message as an SMS, you need to configure an SMS provider in Site Admin.
  • can only use SMS-based event messages for Schedule Reminder events and Checklist messages.


Use webhooks to notify other systems or apps that an AroFlo event has occurred. This method sends a message (JSON payload) to a unique URL provided by that system or app.



Event Message Template Starters

To make it easier to get started with Event Messages, we have created some templates that you can drop right into your own AroFlo site. You can use these by:

  1. Downloading the zip file and opening it on your PC or Mac
  2. Open the text file inside and copy the contents
  3. In your Email Template editor window, click the Source button
  4. Paste the contents into your editor window
  5. Click the Source button again to see your template and make any further changes.

You will still need to provide a Template Name and Subject when you save your templates. Use the instructions in the Event Message Fields information below these starters for more information.


Client Schedule Create


Click the notepad to download

A sample of the client schedule create event message.
This Event Message is designed to notify the client that a technician will be attending, the name of the scheduled resource and the date of the schedule.
A sample of the client schedule create event message.
This Event Message is designed to notify the client that a technician will be attending, the name of the scheduled resource and the date of the schedule.

Technician Schedule Create


Click the notepad to download

A sample of the technician schedule create event message
This Event Message is designed to notify the scheduled resource of their new job and to provide them with a bit of background about it.
A sample of the technician schedule create event message
This Event Message is designed to notify the scheduled resource of their new job and to provide them with a bit of background about it.

Quote Approved


Click the notepad to download

A sample of the quote approved event message.
This Event Message is designed to notify someone like a BU Manager that an Estimator has Approved a Quote triggering the next part of the Quote pipeline.
A sample of the quote approved event message.
This Event Message is designed to notify someone like a BU Manager that an Estimator has Approved a Quote triggering the next part of the Quote pipeline.

Compliance Form Closed


Click the notepad to download

A sample of the compliance form closed event message
This Event Message is a multi-purpose “form closed” notification which is versatile and uses the name of the form to keep a workforce manager in the loop about what forms may need to be audited.
A sample of the compliance form closed event message
This Event Message is a multi-purpose “form closed” notification which is versatile and uses the name of the form to keep a workforce manager in the loop about what forms may need to be audited.


Event Message Fields

Once you have added an event message, complete the fields in the window. Options available may differ depending on the message type (email, SMS or webhook).

Main options

Send / Alert

Select when you want to send the alert, e.g. 'At time of event', at various time intervals, or at a specific time one or more days after the event.

These timeframes to send the alerts are set regardless of a follow-up event which may invalidate them.


For example:

John has an event message set up to remind his clients to accept quotes set every 1, 2 and 3 weeks. John's client gets back to him the day after he accepts his quote online. The client will still receive an email regardless of the quote status being changed.


This field is optional and Any performer will be applied by default.

Performers allow you to select specific user types and sources that can trigger an event message.

For example: Send an event message if a Base User completes a task in Field, but not if an Admin User completes a task in Office.


When using pre-built permission groups:

  • Users in the Management permission group will represent an Admin User (Office / Field)
  • Users in the Supervisor permission group will represent a Manager (Office / Field)
  • Users in the Worker permission group will represent a Base User (Office / Field)

If using a custom permission group, you can define which performer to represent via Settings > General > Permission Groups > Event Messages > Filters.


For Email and SMS messages. Select who the event message will be from. See 'From and To Definitions' to learn about the available options.

SMS Note: Replies

If you would like your own mobile number to be displayed as the 'From' number and to receive replies to that number, you will need to select Custom and enter your mobile number into the To Value field.


Virtual Private Numbers can be entered the same way. For more information, see SMS Messaging.


For Email and SMS messages. Click Add To and select who you want the messages sent to.

SMS Note: Delivery

SMS can only be sent to mobile numbers saved against the contact(s) selected. If an SMS cannot be delivered, a system-generated email will be sent to the Business Unit Manager's email address.


This is the text or content that will be included in the event message. Selecting a template is optional and AroFlo will send some basic information if left blank.

Click the (magnifying glass icon) to see the full list of existing templates. Double-click to select a template.

For instructions on how to create a new email template, see Email Templates.


SMS Note: Charges

All SMS providers charge per message. If the SMS contains more than 160 characters, it will be split into multiple messages.


Webhook Note: Content Type

If the event message is a webhook, the default BODY is a JSON payload. The content-type header will be application/json.

See an example

 eventname: "Add Task Note"
 , timestamputc: "2021/01/01 00:00:00"
 , payload:
   // if DEFAULT
   {json payload here}
   // if HTML or TEXT template selected
   "string payload here"

URL For Webhook event messages only. This is where you enter the webhook URL from the application you want to send data to. 

Additional Options

Show Sent History in Task Notes Enables automatic importing of sent event messages to the Task Notes section on a job.
Track Delivery Status, Opens and Clicks Used to track email delivery status, i.e. if the email has been opened, clicked or read.
Allow Reply Imports Enables automatic importing of email replies.

From and To Definitions

The following settings are used to control who the alert is sent from or to.

Custom Enter an email address or mobile number in the field provided.
User Select a specific user.
BU Manager Uses the Primary Contact set against the current Business Unit for your business.
Client Primary Contact Uses the Primary Contact set on the Client card.
Current User Uses the current user who is logged into the system.
Task Assigned To Uses the Assigned person set on the task.
Task Client Contact Uses the Reported By/Contact set on the task.
Scheduled To Uses the resource scheduled to perform the task.
Client Account Managers Uses the Account Manager(s) set on the Client card.
Task Location Contact Uses the Contact set on the Location card linked to the task.
Task Sales Person Uses the Sales Person set on the task.
Quote Estimator Uses the Estimator set on the quote.
Supplier Primary Contact Uses the Primary Contact set on the Supplier card.
Project Manager Uses the Project Manager set on the project.


Events with unique conditions

Event: Task - Create

This event allows you to trigger a message when a task is created.


Event: Schedule - Reminder Template

This event allows you to set up automatic alerts for schedules added to the AroFlo Calendar. Schedule reminders are triggered at the time/day specified, rather than by a 'Performer'. The system checks every 5 minutes and actions all of the reminders that are due.

Alert / Time Setting

Schedule reminders will not trigger if the alert time has passed. For example, if you create a schedule today and the alert is for '1 day before', the alert will not trigger.



Desktop alerts

Schedule reminders can also be set as desktop alerts. Desktop alerts are designed for desktop users only and users must have:

  • the AroFlo calendar open on their desktop browser (Chrome or Firefox only)
  • enabled Desktop Alerts in their Calendar Settings.

See General Settings and Schedule an Event for more detailed information on setting up and using event messages with your AroFlo calendar.


Event: Compliance Form - Edit

The Compliance Form - Edit event is used to trigger alerts when compliance forms are being changed.

To activate this event for specific types of compliance forms, you will need to enable the 'Send Edit Compliance Form Event Messages' setting on individual compliance forms, risk templates and OHS checklists. See Custom Forms for more information.


Online Quotes, Invoices, and Work Orders



Delete Event Message

If you no longer require an event message, delete it by clicking the (red rubbish bin) on the header of the event message and confirm deletion.