General Settings - Overview

Learn about the overall settings for your AroFlo

Updated on July 27th, 2024

The table below provides an overview of the general settings that may be configured for each business unit.

Click the blue links on the left to access full instructions for each setting.

Settings Description
Permission Groups Set the user access permissions for groups of staff (e.g. Management, Supervisor, Worker).
Themes Set up colour themes displayed in Office for your company or individual business units.
Tax Codes Set up tax codes for transactions (applies to international companies only). Accounting integration: tax codes will be transferred from your accounting package during the integration setup.
Description Templates Set up, organise and edit the Description Template snippets for Task Descriptions, Invoice Descriptions, etc.
Event Messages Set up automatic email or SMS notifications for specific events.
Resource Zones Set up scheduling zones by geofence, suburb or postcode.
Tracking Centres Set up Tracking Centres to allow for more comprehensive reporting for jobs and projects.
Signature Labels Set up signature labels for captured signatures on quotes, tasks, timesheets and compliance forms.
Forgotten Password Check or enter email sending domains for 'forgotten password' emails.
Business Unit Default Markups Set the default markups to be applied to inventory items across the whole business unit.
Frequencies (Periodic tasks, invoices, OHS) Set up frequencies unique to your business. Use these for periodic tasks, periodic invoices, and for OHS purposes.
AroFlo API Allow Accounting and ERP software like SAP to connect to AroFlo.