Create a Task in AroFlo Field

Learn how to create a Task in AroFlo Field

Updated on January 15th, 2025

A job is called a 'task' in AroFlo, and there are various ways to create a task in AroFlo Field. The most direct way is from your task list.

Tasks can also be created from existing tasks, which enables the linking of tasks to allow for easier tracking of job history.

Custom Permission Groups
If you are using custom permission groups, and access settings are set to a user only being able to see your own assigned tasks, when they create a task, it will be auto-assigned to them.


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Create from a task list

  1. If your field landing page in Field is the:
    1. main menu, tap Tasks or Schedule
    2. schedule or task list, you're already in the right place for step 2.
  2. Tap the (green plus button) > Create Task.
  3. To select a Client or Location, tap (magnifying glass), select the client name or location, using the search box if you need to, and tap Select.

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    Add new client or location

    To add a new Client or Location tap (plus icon), enter the details, then scroll down and tap Create Client (or Create a Location for an existing client).

    Users require additional permission to create new clients. For more information, see Feature Access Settings.

  4. Optional: Select an asset to link to the task (e.g. a piece of equipment that is being worked on for this job). More on adding assets to tasks.
  5. Select a Task Type using (magnifying glass). If you need to, use the search box to quickly locate a task type.

    Show this

  6. Optional: Assign the task to a user(s) or business unit.
  7. Enter the name of the task into the Task Name field.

    Character limit

    The maximum amount of characters is 50.

  8. If applicable, enter a Due Date using the date picker.

    Show this

  9. Optional: Enter a Priority using the dropdown.
  10. If applicable, enter the customer order number, such as work order number or contract number.
  11. Optional: Click the next to Salesperson to select a user. This could be used for KPI tracking.
  12. Enter a description of the work or tap Description to search your description templates.

    Default task descriptions

    - The task description may be prefilled, if you've set a default description for this task type.

    - Selecting a different task type containing a default description will add the text to the description. Delete unneeded text as necessary.

  13. Optional: Select a Project this task should be added to. If the Project Task is a variation, tick the checkbox.
  14. Select a Reported By contact from the list.
  15. Tap Create > Yes.

Compulsory forms

If there are compulsory forms to be completed for the task type you've chosen, a banner will appear at the bottom of the task sheet header.

See Required Compliance Forms for more information.



Create from an existing task

To create a new task based on the task you're currently working on:

  1. Tap the Task Shortcuts button (green plus).
  2. Tap Create Quote/Task
  3. Select from one of the following options:

    Available options

    Option Description
    Turn this task into a quote Turns this task into a quote/access quote for this task (if quote exists)
    Quote (Client) Create a new quote for this client
    Quote (Client, Location) Create a new quote for this client and location (if a location was selected for the task)
    Task (Client) Create a new task for this client.
    Task (Client, Location) Create a new task for this client and location (if a location was selected for the task)
  4. The Create Task page will load with the Client (and Location and/or Asset if applicable) pre-filled, based on the existing task's details.
  5. Complete the remaining fields as described in Create from a task list.
  6. Create Task.

The task/quote will be added as a Linked Task and can be accessed via More > Linked Tasks (see image).

In this example, we have created a quote which has been linked to the original task.
In this example, we have created a quote which has been linked to the original task.


Create from clients/locations

To create a new task for a client and location that you don't have an existing task for:

  1. Tap the Main Menu (
  2. Tap Manage > Clients
  3. Find the client you need by scrolling or using the search option
  4. Tap the(three dots) beside the relevant client name to access the quick actions menu
  5. Tap Create Task

    Client and Location

    Alternatively, to create a task using a client and location, tap Locations > access the quick access menu for the relevant location > Create New Task.

  6. Complete the necessary fields as described in Create from a task list
  7. Tap Create Task.

Create from assets

Tasks can also be created directly against client assets:

  1. Tap the Main Menu  
  2. Tap Manage > Clients.
  3. Find the client you need by scrolling or using the search option
  4. Tap the (three dots) beside the relevant client name to access the quick actions menu.
  5. Tap Assets.
  6. Tap the relevant asset name to reveal the sub-menu.

    If there are asset categories, click the category name and select an asset (or select a sub-category, then click the asset name).

  7. Tap Create New Task.
  8. Complete the necessary fields as described in Create from a task list
  9. Tap Create Task.