Add an Inventory Item

Learn how to add an inventory item in AroFlo Office

Updated on October 9th, 2024

AroFlo's integrated inventory system is designed to keep track of stock held by multiple resources or in multiple storage locations.

To access your inventory, go to Manage > Inventory.


Add a category

Categories are used to organize your inventory and make it easier for users to find the items they need. You can create as many categories as required, including sub-categories. See Manage Categories for more information.

To add a new category:

  1. On the Inventory tab, click (Add New Inventory Category).
  2. Enter the category name.
  3. Click (Save).

Navigation Tips

View subcategories

If you have multiple sub-category levels and/or categories with long names, click the small arrow on the category slider to expand the view, 

Resize the view

or drag the bar across with the mouse.

Mix up your categories

New categories will initially appear at the bottom of the categories list. To have them slot in alphabetically, refresh your browser, or drag the new entry to the Top Level Drop Area.


Add items

New items can be added to a category at any time. When you create a new category, you will have the option to add inventory items individually or bulk upload inventory items from a spreadsheet. Existing categories only allow items to be added individually, however, you can easily move uploaded items from one category to another.

  1. Click Add Inventory Item in the middle of the screen. (

    Bulk upload inventory items
    The Bulk Upload Inventory Items feature allows you to copy and paste up to 300 items from a spreadsheet (.CSV format) directly into AroFlo.

    Alternatively, the Bulk Data Import tool gives you even more functionality and can import inventory items across multiple categories and even allows you to make updates to your inventory e.g. pricing.

  2. Complete the fields as described in the table below.



Part No. Assign your own or a preferred supplier's part number. (Searchable)
Item Description*

This is the primary identifier of the item. (*Required field) (Searchable)

Maximum of 1000 characters.

Identifier Used to record a secondary identifier such as a warehouse or storage location number.
Manufacturer Used to record the manufacturer / producer.
Quantity Enter current quantity of stock on hand.
Assign To

Assign current stock to a user or custom holder.

Users who have been set to not show as a storage location will not appear in the dropdown.

SOR Item Checkbox Used to flag the item as an SOR item for flat rate items/fixed price quotes.


Used for setting unique account codes (for accounting integration purposes), tax codes and tracking centers that are allocated when the item is added to a quote, task, purchase order, or invoice. See Allocations for more information.

  1. Once fields above are completed, click the Pricing tab and enter the unit cost (ex. GST).

    For more information about cost pricing and instructions on how to set the item's sell price, see Inventory item pricing.

  2. Save Item.


Optional tabs


Set stock alert levels to make it easier to identify items that need to be replenished.


Bar Codes

Record one or more barcodes against your inventory items so:

  • Office users can quickly search for inventory items using a barcode number or scanner
  • Field users can scan an inventory item and add it to a task, quote, and more, using their mobile device.

For information on creating your own barcodes, see Generate Scannable Barcodes.



Add your Preferred Suppliers to the Suppliers tab.



Editing items

Once you've saved an item for the first time, you can click the item from the inventory list to edit it.

Make your changes as above and remember to Save Item.

You'll also have some additional/differing options:

Option Description
Documents & Photos tab

Add documents and photos to your inventory item (e.g. product photos, specification sheets, and install guides).

Adding photos to your inventory items is useful as the default image is used as the item's thumbnail which appears in several areas throughout AroFlo, e.g. in the inventory list and when adding items to tasks and quotes.

Category Change the category this item appears in. See Manage Inventory Categories for more information.
Quantity This field only appears when creating an inventory item. Once the item is created, the quantity is controlled within the Inventory list using the Allocate option. See Item List and Stock Activity.
Assign To This field only appears when creating an inventory item. Once the item is created, assigning is controlled within the Inventory list using the Allocate option. See Item List and Stock Activity.