Preferred Suppliers

Learn how to set up preferred suppliers to purchase from in AroFlo Office

Updated on July 27th, 2024

Table of Contents

The Suppliers tab allows you to list your preferred suppliers and their pricing for items. You also have the option to record the supplier's part number and/or description, which can also be used when searching for items.

This provides the flexibility to use:

  • Internal part numbers and short descriptions that are easily identified by staff, and
  • Supplier-specific part numbers and detailed descriptions when ordering items.

If you always buy a particular item from the same supplier, you can set a default preferred supplier to enable faster creation of purchase orders through the use of supplier filters, as well as creating orders for multiple suppliers.


Add suppliers to an item

To add suppliers:

  1. Click the Suppliers tab.
  2. Click Add Supplier.
  3. Select your suppliers from the list.
  4. Click X to close the Search Supplier window.
  5. Set a default preferred supplier (optional).
  6. To specify a part no., item description and cost (ex. tax) value for each supplier, select the checkbox within the required column and enter the details.

    When you specify a part no., item description and/or cost for a supplier, it will override the internal part number, description and/or cost when you add the item to a purchase order.

  7. Click Save.