
Learn how to manage account code allocations in AroFlo Office

Updated on May 9th, 2024

The Allocations section of the inventory item is used for setting unique account codes (for accounting integration purposes), tax codes and tracking centres, which are automatically allocated when the item is added to a quote, task, purchase order or invoice.





Business Unit If your site has multiple business units, you can make this inventory item available to other business units simply by ticking the appropriate business unit.
Sales Account (Code)

If your site integrates with an accounting package, you can assign a specific sales and purchase account code to inventory items. This ensures items are mapped correctly when posting to your accounts package.

Account code hierarchy

If no account code is set on the inventory item and:

  1. the item is used on a Task, AroFlo will use the default account code set for the Task Type (only applies to sites with integration account code mappings).
  2. no account code is set on the Task Type (in your integration account code mappings), AroFlo will use the default account code set for the Business Unit.

Please contact our Customer Service team for assistance with mapping default account codes for Task Types or Business Units.

Purchase Account (Code)

Sales Tax

Purchase Tax

You can set unique tax codes next to each account code. This ensures the correct tax code is allocated to the item when it is added to a quote, invoice or purchase order.

Tax code hierarchy

If no inventory tax codes are set on the inventory item and:

  1. the item is used on a Task, AroFlo will use the default tax code set for the Task Type (only applies to sites with integration account code mappings).
  2. no tax code is set on the Task Type (in your integration account code mappings), AroFlo will use the default tax code set for the Business Unit.
Material Tracking Centre If your site has tracking centres configured in Site Admin, you can assign tracking centres to inventory items for reporting purposes. For instructions on how to set up and use tracking centres, see Tracking Centres.

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