Create a Quote in AroFlo Office

Learn how to create a Quote in AroFlo Office

Updated on August 22nd, 2024

The process for creating a quote is exactly the same as creating a task:

  1. In the main menu, click Create > Quote.

    Alternative methods

    Alternatively, from the Quotes List screen, there is a Create Quote button

    You can also turn a task into a quote. See Task Worksheet.

  2. Set the OwnerClientLocation and main Asset where applicable.
  3. Set the Task Type and Quote Name.
  4. Set the Priority and Due Date (if applicable). 
  5. Set the Assign To to the person who will be responsible for the job if the quote is approved.
  6. Enter the quote request details into the Description area (i.e. Problem/Request).

    Default task descriptions

    - The task description may be prefilled, if you've set a default description for this task type.

    - Selecting a different task type containing a default description will add the text to the description. Delete unneeded text as necessary.


    Spell check using your browser

    Most Internet browsers have a built-in spell checker. To correct a spelling mistake in the HTML editor:

    PC users CTRL+Right-Click on the word.

    Mac users CMD+Right-Click on the word.

  7. Schedule the quote if required.
  8. Set the Reported By/Contact.
  9. Set the Estimator or person preparing the quote.
  10. Click Create Quote.

For greater detail on the individual steps, please refer to the Create a Task page.



Type of Quote

Once created, select the type of quote you want to create from the Quote Type field:

  • a Simple Quote - Used when the work to be quoted on is fairly straightforward. Once accepted, a simple quote becomes a task. It cannot become a project. Example: Replacing a set of automatic entry doors on an office building.
  • a Detailed Quote - Used when the work to be quoted on is complex and contains many stages, known as 'takeoffs' in AroFlo. Once accepted, a detailed quote can become a project. Example: Building a multi-unit housing complex.

See Quotes - overview - Types of Quote for more information


Quote Worksheet

From here, you can fill out the rest of the Quote Worksheet:

  1. Edit the Task Description and/or Quote Description (refer below for more information).
  2. (Optional) set up a unique quote email address for the quote. See Unique Email Address.
  3. Add NotesDocuments and Photos, Linked Tasks and/or Exclusions as appropriate (see below)
  4. Add line items or by using the Multi-Search function to select items from your inventory.
  5. Labour can be added as a separate Labour (Lab) line item, or against each Material line item as a Unit Rate (UR, or the number of hours per unit). If required, you can select a different work type for each Unit Rate labour entry. Refer to Adding Line Items to a Quote for details.

View Task

If you need to view the task that this quote relates to, click View > Task from the top right of the quote worksheet.

This is useful:

  • if you've created a Quote from a Task and you need to access the task again
  • if you need to access and/or edit info on the task prior to the quote being approved (e.g. task checklist, purchase/work orders, invoices).


Task description

The task description is used when the quote is approved and becomes a job.


Quote description

The quote description is used for outlining the scope of the work being quoted.

This field is ideal when you have a large amount of information to include on the quote, but it may not be as relevant once the task is created.



Description templates

Both the Task and Quote Description can use any Description Templates you have set up in AroFlo.




Checklist items for quotes are listed. Learn how to set up checklist templates for Quotes.


Manual Checklist

Checklist which can be added in addition to the Quote/Task.



Any general information about the Quote/Task. See Notes for more info.


Documents & Photos

Upload documents and photos to the Quote.



Lists any Assets linked to the Quote/Task.



Lists when this Quote has been scheduled. See Schedule a Task.



Text/HTML editor for listing any exclusions that form part of the quote. Once entered, click Save Exclusions before navigating away from this screen.

Use the Description Templates feature for quick entry of standard exclusions.


Linked Tasks

Link a related task to the Quote/Task.


The next step is to add pricing to your quote using line items.