Measurement Calculator in AroFlo Field

Learn how to quote in Linear Measures in AroFlo Field

Updated on September 12th, 2024

You can quote for a service or item in m2 (squared), lineal metres, or m3 (cubed) to accommodate for jobs like painting a room or fencing a property.

Add your items to your quote first, and then follow the below instructions.

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Quoting in Linear Measures

To quote in linear measures:

  1. Tap the measurement calculator button on the line item closest to the quantity field.
  2. Define the object, item, or space you're measuring (Area, Linear, Volume)
  3. Define the unit to measure in and how you want this unit type to display:

    Measurement Units by Category

    Millimetres Millimetres Millimetres
    Centimetres Centimetres Centimetres
    Metres Metres Metres
    Kilometres Kilometres Kilometres
    Inches Inches Inches
    Feet Feet Feet
    Yards Yards Yards
    Miles Miles Miles
  4. Choose your measurement type to match the space you're measuring using the dropdown.

    Tap the image of the shape to give you more information about how measurements are calculated.


    Available measurement types


    Measurement types Measurement Use Case
    Rectangle Width x Length Painting a room.
    Square Length Fencing the perimeter of a property.
    Triangle A x B x C Tiling a nonstandard-shaped bathroom.
    Right Triangle Height/Base Installing wall-mounted cabinets in a nook.
    Circle Diameter Calculating the cost to clean a tank.


    Measurement types Measurement Use Case
    Line Length A single row of tiles or selling a length of cable


    Measurement types Measurement Use Case
    Rectangular Prism Length x Width x Height Filling an area with sand
    Cube Length Selling materials (e.g. sand or soil) per cubic metre
    Cylinder Height x Diameter Calculating the cost to clean a tank.
    Tube (Height x Outer Diameter) - Inner Diameter Pipe fabrication
  5. Enter a measurement that you have taken in the relevant fields. The total calculation below will increase as you do this.
  6. Tap Add Measurement to add another line or Done to close the calculator and continue with your quote.

    When you tap Done, if you've changed any of the numbers of the measurement or the measurement type (like changing metre to cm), a prompt confirming you want to change the unit type/value for the line item will appear. Click Update Unit Type/Update to continue.



Take Measurements using Camera

If using the AroFlo App and you're using a device that has LiDAR, you can use your phone's camera to automatically capture estimated measurements for you.

Supported Devices

See our dedicated AroFlo App page for the list of supported devices.

  1. On the measurement calculator screen, tap Use Camera
  2. Move your phone around to frame what you want to measure
  3. When the crosshair icon appears on screen, tap the plus to start capturing your first measurement (e.g. width). A line will appear.
  4. Move your phone and drag the line to the end point of what you're measuring and tap the plus again. This will register your first measurement (e.g. width).

    Tap to undo the current point you're on.

  5. Repeat these instructions as many times as necessary to register your other measurements, depending on what you're measuring, and tap Done when finished.

    If measuring a square or rectangle, you only need to capture the width and length and not all four sides.

  6. This will return to the measurement calculator screen with your measurements now filled in. Tap Done to save or Add Measurement to add another line.

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Linear Measure Calculator Options

Option Function


Tap > to add a new measurement line in the calculator with the same values as above it.


Tap > to delete the measurement line.

Tap Add Group to create a new group of measurements. This would be useful for breaking up a quote that might be for several rooms of a house or fencing on different parts of a property while maintaining a single line item.

Tap the field above the measurements in each group that reads ‘Group’ to enter a name, then proceed from Step 2 above to complete more calculations.

Groups can also be deleted or duplicated using the menu button next to the group name.

Tap and drag if you need to reorder a measurement line / measurement group.
Delete All Delete all calculations. You'll be prompted to confirm this action as it cannot be reversed.

View Measurements on a Layout

  • To make it easier to start using linear measurements on quotes and showing these measurements to your clients, we've made a standard layout called Itemised (Measurements). See Standard Layouts for more information.
  • Alternatively, if you're using custom layouts, be sure to add the [Measurements] column to your table.
  • Using RTFs? We also have some pre-built Quote Example RTFs with measurement options. See Pre-built RTF Templates.

See Quote Items for information on interacting with items once they've been added