Add items to an Invoice

Learn how to quickly build an invoice using AroFlo Field.

Updated on July 27th, 2024

The easiest way to add items to an invoice is using the (green plus button) > Add Line Items and selecting the option you need.

Option Description
From Quote Only appears if the task you're invoicing came from a quote. See below for further instructions.
From Task Select items from your task worksheet to add to your invoice. See below for further instructions.
From Inventory Add items from your inventory to the invoice. See below for further instructions.
New Line Item Manually enter the details of an item to add to your invoice.

New Line Item

This defaults to a Material type line item (e.g. a PVC Pipe), but you can switch to a Labor line item (e.g. ‘Installing Pipe’), a Freight line item (e.g. delivery charges), or an Expense line item (e.g. tip fees).

  1. Fill out the mandatory fields
  2. (optional) Tap Show More to access and/or fill out the optional fields
  3. Tap Add Line Item to record your entry.
Field Description
Description Name of the item.
Quantity Enter the quantity being invoiced/quantity of hours for a labor entry
Sell Ex. Sell price of the item exclusive of tax.

Optional fields

Field Description
Part No. Enter a part number, reference number, or order code.
Cost Ex. Cost of the item exclusive of tax.
Markup If you don't have a default markup for materials set in Site Admin, enter a markup percentage.

Enter a discount percentage on the item.

This discount is calculated after the markup has been applied.

Total Ex. Total cost of the item, after markups and discounts have been applied, exclusive of tax (uneditable).
Account Code Select an account code.

Tax Code

Select a tax code.

Tracking Center

Select a tracking center.


Review Line Items

From a final or part invoice, review the info in the Line Items and Invoice Totals sections and tap any of these to open the Line Items tab. This will give you the overall totals of the invoice, as well as the balance due.

Tap View / Edit Invoice Items if you need to add further items to the invoice.

To include tax in your pricing, tick the Tax Inc. tickbox.


Quick options

If you haven't yet added items to your invoice, you may see the following quick options, depending on the items included on your task and/or how your task was set up:


Add items from Quote

This option will display if the task was created from a quote.

Use this option to pick and choose which items to add to your invoice, or alternatively, add all items by selecting 'Invoice All'.

Add SOR items from Jobsheet

This option will display if SOR items were booked out on the task.

Use this to add all SOR items to the invoice.

Add items from Jobsheet

Use this option to add all items from the task onto the invoice. This option will only display if items have been added to the task.


Add items to an invoice

Tap View / Edit Invoice Items to add or view line items.

From here, select the relevant option.

See the tabs below to learn more about each option.



Tap Adhoc to manually enter the details of an item and tap Save once finished.

Use this for items not in your inventory.

Field Description

Order Code

Enter a reference number, order code, or part number (optional).


The name of the item (mandatory field)

Tap Descriptions to use a description template.


Acc Code

Select an account code.


Enter the quantity being invoiced/quantity of hours for a labor entry (mandatory field).


Select whether this item is Labor, Material, Expense or Freight.

Cost Ex

The cost of the item exclusive of tax.


If you don't have default markups for materials in Site Admin, enter a markup percentage.

Sell Ex

The sell price of the item exclusive of tax.


Enter a discount percentage on the item.

This discount is calculated after the markup has been applied.


Total Ex

The total cost of the item, after markups and discounts have been applied, exclusive of tax.

Tax Code

Select a tax code (optional).

Tracking Center

Select a Tracking Center (optional).

Std Mat

Tap Std Mat to add existing inventory items to your invoice.

Tap the relevant category (and sub-categories, if applicable) to find the relevant item and enter a quantity. Tap Save to add the item to your invoice.

Alternatively, tap Search to easily locate the item you're looking for. You can also use the barcode scanning feature.


Tap Inventory Lists to switch to the Inventory Lists view.


Inventory Lists

Tap Inventory Lists to select inventory items from a Task Specific List, Schedule of Rates List, or Assembly.

This works in the same way as searching inventory and you can either browse through your categories and subcategories, or tap the Search button.



If your task was built from a quote, tap Quote to pick and choose which quote items to add to your invoice. Simply enter a quantity for each item and Save.

Invoice all

To add all your quoted items, tap the Inv All tickbox and Save.


This option will also tell you:

  • if the quoted items have already been added to the task (J/S field)
  • how much of the quote you're invoicing for as a dollar amount.

Override quote value

When invoicing under or over the total value of a linked quote, AroFlo will automatically include a Quote Variation line item to adjust the total of the invoice so that it equals the total of the quote. If you don't want to include this quote variation line item on the invoice, tick Override Quote Value. 



Tap Task to select items from your task worksheet to add to your invoice.

From here, tap the Add tickbox to select each item you want to add and then Save.


Supplier Catalogues

Tap Supplier Catalogues to directly access your preferred online Supplier Catalogue.

Using this feature is useful for accurate material costs, as pricing is live from the supplier.



View and Edit Invoice Items

Once items have been added to the invoice, they'll appear in the Invoice Items list and be added to the totals area.

Items without a cost are marked with a red banner.

Show this


Tap an item to view further information, e.g. markup and discount, or make any modifications.

Delete item

Tap an item and tap Delete > OK to delete it from the invoiced items.

Show this



Override quote value

When invoicing under or over the total value of a linked quote, AroFlo will automatically include a Quote Variation line item to adjust the total of the invoice so that it equals the total of the quote.

If you don't want to include this quote variation line item on the invoice, override it by selecting the Override Quote tickbox and Save.

This function is also available from the Quote Picklist option. See above.