Record Labor on a Task

Learn how to record labor and timesheets on a task in AroFlo Field

Updated on January 15th, 2025

The time spent working on a job is recorded by:

  • tapping Labor in the Job Costs Overview
  • Using the Task shortcuts ( button)
  • tapping Labor in the Items tab.

Recording labor not only adds those costs to the job but also adds the time/hours to the employee's timesheet.

Any user can view their own timesheets and enter their own labor records. Managers, Supervisors, and those with permission can also view timesheets for other resources and enter labor on their behalf.

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Record a new labor entry

Similar to timesheets, labor can be recorded in three ways:

Start / Stop Timer

The start/stop timer is found at the top right of the task worksheet, as well as on the top right of the task header when you're adding labor to a task.

This is like a stopwatch. It can help you remember the time you started and provide an accurate labor entry. However, the timer must be started at the beginning of the event. Site Administrators can add a setting to certain checklist items to start and stop the timer when those items are completed. See Start or stop the timer from a checklist item below.


Task Overview
The start/stop timer can also be accessed from a task overview. See Calendar View.

Show this


Read more below - Record labor using the start/stop timer


Add labor fields

The easiest way to manually record a labor entry is to use the Task shortcuts ( button)  > Add Labor.

Alternatively, to view recorded labor entries first, access the labor worksheet via the Job Costs Overview, or via the Items tab > Labor.

Tap the to add an entry.

A labor entry can be created at any time, including after the event.


Read more below - Record labor using the Add Labour fields


Checklist Items

Checklist items can be configured to display the date and timestamp of when the checklist item is completed, e.g. what time you arrived on site. If this has been enabled, tap the (box with arrow) to easily create a timesheet entry. The start time will be prefilled with the time the checklist entry was marked as completed. All you have to do is fill out the finish time and any extra details if necessary.

See Start or stop the timer from a checklist item, below



Record labor using the start/stop timer

Start the timer

When you start working on the Task:

  1. Open the Task.
  2. Tap (Start Timer) on the top right of the task worksheet.

The timer will start. Elapsed time will replace the Start Timer button.

Timer not visible?

The timer button will not be visible if you have an active timer running on another Task. To see if you have an active timer on another Task, go to Menu > Timesheet. Your timer will appear above the header. From here you can delete the timer if it's no longer required.
Permission Groups are also required to see the timer. Site Administrators can create a custom permission group and enable the timer via Permission Groups > Tasks > Fields > Labor Timer (set to ticked).


This can also be done from the labor screen via the Job Costs Overview, or via the Items tab > Labor.


Stop the timer

Once you have finished the Task:

  1. Open the Task.
  2. Tap the elapsed time. The Labor Timer window will open. 
  3. Tap Stop Timer.

Delete timer

If you no longer need the timer or if you selected it in error, tap Delete to delete the timer and the timer entry.


Create an entry from the timer

You can preset any details below (like the overhead and note) while the timer is still running.


From the Labor Timer Window, confirm the fields required for a labor entry:

Labor Timer Window

Access the Labour Timer window by tapping the elapsed time from the task worksheet, or above the header in the Labour section.

  1. The logged-in user is automatically added to the timesheet. Confirm the default work type that has been set.

    More info

    Work types are not only used to define the various labor rates your business charges for services but are also used for calculating overtime such as time & a half or double time for payroll purposes.


    This list of work types may be filtered based on business unit or user settings. To view all work types, tap Show all at the bottom of the list.

  2. To add other users to the timesheet, you have two options:
    1. tap Select Users and select them from the list, or alternatively
    2. tap Add Scheduled Users to automatically add all users scheduled to the task


      Any user can view their own timesheets and enter their own records. Users in the Supervisor and Management permission groups can also view timesheets for other resources and enter labor on their behalf.


      For custom permission groups, set permissions via:

      - Permission Groups > Users > Filters > Current User (set to unticked).
      - Permission Groups > Timesheets > Fields > Users > View (set to ticked).
      - Permission Groups > Task > Filters > Labour Created by or Assigned to User (set to unticked).

      Whichever option you choose, confirm the default work types for each user.
  3. If the timer is still running, tap Stop Timer.
  4. Record a Tracking Centre (optional), if they are used in your business.
  5. Record a Note (optional) - this is useful for recording notes about the work performed, which may be included on an invoice.
  6. Tap Create Timesheet Entry.

    To cancel the timesheet entry and resume timing, tap Cancel and close the window.


View all active timers on a Task

Managers, Supervisors (and those with permission) can use this to view active timers on the Task.

Custom permissions

Site Administrators can create a custom permission group and enable the timer via Permission Groups > Tasks > Fields > Labor Timer (set to ticked).


To see the active timers across all Tasks (and Overheads), use the Active Timers button found in Timesheets.

  1. Open the Task.
  2. Under the More tab, tap Task Timers.
  3. From here you can stop a timer, create labor entries or add other users to an active timer.

    You can also start a timer on behalf of other users who are assigned or scheduled to the task.



Start or stop the timer from a checklist item

Your Site Administrator can set up your checklist templates to automatically start or stop the labor timer when an item is marked Y (Yes/Pass).

Start the timer

Once this feature is set up, start the labor timer as follows:

  1. Select Y on the relevant checklist item.
  2. Save. The labor timer starts.

Stop the timer

To stop the labor timer via a checklist item:

  1. Select Y on the relevant checklist item.
  2. On the Current Timer pop-up box, tap the red button.
  3. On the Labor Timer window, tap Stop Timer.
  4. Create a timesheet entry as shown above.


Record labor using the Add Labor fields

  1. Open a Task.
  2. Tap the > Add Labor
    1. Alternatively, to view recorded labor entries first, access the labor worksheet via the Job Costs Overview, or via the Items tab > Labor. Then, tap the to add an entry.
  3. Select one of the following Resource options:

    User name (Me only)

    Add labor for yourself only (defaults to the user currently logged in).


    All Scheduled Resources

    Add labor for all resources who have been scheduled to this task.

    All scheduled resources for this task will be displayed, along with the scheduled dates and default Work Type. Resources can be removed by tapping the(red trash can).

    Using this method displays all resources who have been scheduled to this task. To only display resources who have been scheduled for today, select Use Today's Scheduled Resources from the additional dropdown.


    Manually Select

    Manually select the resources you want to add labor for. 


    Tap Select Resource to reveal the list of resources and select required resources one at a time.

  4. Select the appropriate Work Type from the dropdown list.

    Show this

    This may be done as part of step 3, depending on which option you chose.
    The list of work types may be filtered based on business unit or user settings. To view a complete list of work types, tap Show all work types at the bottom of the list.

    Default Work Types

    Work types are used to define the various labor rates your business charges.

    If a resource has a default work type set in Site Admin, it will automatically appear next to their name. This can be changed if needed.

    To learn more about setting default work types, see Work Types - Filter by User.

    Alternatively, select an overhead, e.g. travel time, annual leave from the Overhead dropdown.

    Overheads are set up in Site Administration. See Overheads for more information.

  5. Confirm the Date. This defaults to today's date, but entries can be backdated if needed. Tap the field to bring up the date picker.
  6. Record labor start/finish times by typing in the fields or by using one of the following methods:

    Clock Widget

    Tap the (clock icon), select the hour, minutes, am/pm, then Select.

    Current Time

    The default time on the clock picker will be the current time, or the time entered within the field if there is one. If you need to reset to the current time, tap the green (stopwatch icon).


    Current time

    You can set the current time by tapping (stopwatch icon).


    Hours Only

    If you don't want to record start/finish times, you can simply enter the total hours worked in the Hours field.

  7. Record a Note (optional). This is useful for recording notes about the work performed, which may be included on an invoice.

    Description Templates
    Alternatively, tap Descriptions to use a Description Template.

  8. Save.

Project Tasks

If working on a project task, you'll have an additional Select Task section at the top of the list of labor entries. Use this to view labor entries from other tasks in the project and add entries if necessary.

Original Task

The task that you initially navigated to is known as the Original Task. When saving an entry to another task, however, this new task will now be known as the Original Task (and will also be referenced in the task header). This task will remain when switching tabs (i.e. to Material or Expense). 



Record chargeable non-productive time

Non-productive time that is chargeable to your customer should be recorded as a separate timesheet entry.

For example, if you wanted to record travel time to/from the site as a cost on the job, you would need to create a timesheet entry against a task overhead for 'travel time'.

  1. Follow steps 1 - 4 as above.
  2. Select an appropriate Overhead, e.g. Travel Time.

    The list of overheads is configured in Site Admin. Please contact your Site Administrator to request additional overheads. See Overheads for more information.

  3. Confirm the Date. This defaults to today's date, but entries can be backdated if needed. Tap the field to bring up the date picker.
  4. Enter Start/Finish times or enter the total Hours 
  5. Save.


Capture signature

If you need a client or supervisor to sign off on timesheets, you can quickly and easily capture an electronic signature using the Capture Signature tool.

  1. From the list of labor entries, select the checkbox next to each labor entry you want to record a signature against
  2. Tap Capture Signature.
  3. In the Print Name field, enter the name of the person signing.
  4. (Optional): select a signature label (if configured).
  5. Ask the person to sign their name in the space provided.
  6. Tap Capture Signature.

The checkbox beside each labor entry will change to a (signature icon) to indicate it's been signed.

Signature area too small?

Rotate your device on its side (landscape) and the signature area will resize to fit the new screen width.


Read more on Capture Signature



Edit or delete existing labor timesheets

Users in the Worker permission group can only edit/delete timesheets that they have entered, whilst users in the Management group can edit/delete all timesheets.


To edit timesheet details:

  1. From the list of labor entries, tap an entry to view the timesheet details
  2. Edit as required.
  3. Save.

To delete a timesheet entry:

  1. Tap a labor entry
  2. Tap the (trash can) > confirm deletion.

Can't edit?

You can only edit or delete timesheet entries for a day or week that has not yet been signed off. If a labor entry has (blue pencil), this means it is editable. If it doesn't, this means the entry has been signed off. In the image shown, the top two entries are editable and the bottom two are from an earlier week, which has been signed off for payroll purposes. The bottom one has also been verified and displays a lock to indicate this. See Weekly Timesheet and Approve Timesheets for more information.


Work Order labor

If your task contains Work Orders, labor items will be visible under the relevant heading WO (see image). These entries cannot be edited.



Group timesheets by signature

To view timesheets grouped by Signature with signatures displayed, tap > Signature.

Only signed timesheets will be shown.

Tap the icon again > None to reset the display.



GPS Timesheets

To access GPS timesheets, tap the GPS tab.

More on GPS timesheets