Weekly Timesheet

Learn how to manage your weekly timesheet in AroFlo Field

Updated on July 27th, 2024

The weekly timesheet view provides an easy way to view, edit and sign off on timesheet entries for each week. To access the weekly timesheets view, from the main menu tap Timesheet > Weekly.


View/edit timesheet entry

  1. Use the arrows or date picker at the top to select the relevant week.
  2. If necessary, select the relevant user by using the dropdown.
  3. Tap the down arrow to expand the timesheet details for each day.
  4. Tap (pencil icon) to open the timesheet entry.
  5. Make the required changes and Save, or tap (delete button) to remove this entry.


Sign off weekly timesheet

If a signature is required:

  1. Tap Sign Off to open the Capture Signature window.

    Missing Sign Off Button

    If the capture signature feature is not available, please contact your Site Administrator for assistance.

  2. Use a stylus or your finger to sign inside the signature box.

    If you make a mistake, tap Clear and sign again.

  3. Edit the Print Name if required.
  4. Optional: Extra 1 & 2 fields may be used for recording additional information.
  5. Tap Confirm.