Overheads are used to define various non-productive time (annual leave, admin work, travel time) and timesheet expenses (fuel allowance, meals) which users can book against when entering a timesheet.
AroFlo comes with a range of pre-built overheads for you to use straight away, or a site administrator can add more for you.

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Add an overhead
- Click Add Overhead.
- Enter the overhead name.
If your site has multiple business units, you can make this overhead exclusive to the current Business Unit by clicking the Available to the Business Unit Only checkbox.
- Select the overhead Type (see below)
- If Time is selected, fill out the relevant remaining fields as per below and then Save Overheads.
- If Expense is selected, Save Overheads, then fill out the remaining fields as per below and then Save Overheads again.
Column | Description |
Overhead Allocation | Name of the overhead. |
Type |
Time: Time-based overheads such as Annual Leave, Sick/Personal Leave and RDOs. Expense: Expense-based overheads such as Site Allowance or Fuel Allowance which use Unit, Cost Rate and Sell Rate for expense calculations. |
Unit | Enter the quantity unit of the expense e.g. per KM, daily, per visit. |
Cost Rate | Cost rate ex. tax (per unit) of the expense. |
Sell Rate | Sell rate ex. tax (per unit) for the expense (Task Overhead must be enabled to allow expense to be booked on tasks). |
Calendar Link | Enable this option to show any recorded timesheet entries in the calendar. |
Include in Timesheet Total | Enable this option to include the time and/or expense overhead in the total hours and/or total expense value for weekly timesheets. Exclude unpaid lunch breaks Disable this option if you want to exclude unpaid lunch breaks from the daily or weekly timesheet total. Task Overheads booked on a job will also be excluded from the job costs shown on the task worksheet. |
Task Overhead | Enable this option to allow time and/or expense overheads to be selected and recorded on a task. This enables overheads to be selected by a user in AroFlo Field or Office, however in different ways. Expense Type overheads will be visible in Office and Time Type overheads are expected to be used by Field users and are visible to them. |
Filter (Users) |
Assign users to specific overheads to reduce the number of overhead options that can be selected in timesheets/expenses via AroFlo Field. Field users can view all overheads by using the Show All option. |
Archive | Click Archive if you no longer need a particular overhead. |
Add existing or archived overhead
To import an existing Overhead from another Business Unit, or reactivate an archived Overhead:
- Click Add Existing / Archived Overhead
- Select from the list.
- Click Add.
Change sort order
To change the sort order of overheads:
- Click the
(double line icon) on the left-hand side of the overhead name.
- Click, hold and drag the selected Overhead up or down in the list.
- Click Save to save the new sort order.