Create Description Templates

Learn how to create insertable snippets of regularly used text in AroFlo

Updated on August 22nd, 2024

Description templates are used to record snippets of information that you regularly use in quotes, tasks, invoices, bills, work orders, credit notes or timesheets. Descriptions can be set up in Site Administration, or created on the fly by Admin users in AroFlo Office.

Once the description templates have been saved, all users can select the ones they need when working in Office or Field.

Benefits of using this feature:

  • A complete catalog of descriptions stored in one central repository.
  • Speeds up data entry and helps to reduce the risk of errors.
  • Flexibility to create or alter descriptions on the fly.
  • Available to all users in both AroFlo Office and Field.
  • Can create pre-filled task descriptions when creating a task.


Add a description

Descriptions can be set up for use on quotes, tasks, invoices, bills, work orders, credit notes and timesheets.

  1. In Site Admin, go to Settings > General > Description Templates.
  2. Select the appropriate Description Type on the left, e.g. Quote Description, Task Description.
  3. Select a Category to store the description in.

    Add Categories

    Click Add Category, enter a name and Save.

  4. Click Add Description.
  5. Enter a Description Name to identify this description/information.
  6. Type or copy text from an external source and paste it into the Description field (Max 8000 characters).

    Text or HTML

    Description templates can be created in text or HTML format. Select HTML if you need to use bullet points, bold/colored fonts, paragraphs (show carriage returns), or tables.

  7. Save

Edit a description template

Descriptions can be edited at any time. Simply double-click a description, make the required changes and Save.



Default Task Description

You can set a default Task Description per task type to prefill the Description field when creating a task. See Task Types for information on setting this up per task type.


If doing this, we recommend creating a category within Task Description description templates called ‘Default Task Descriptions’ or something along these lines so you can easily see which descriptions have been set as a default for task types. It's a good idea to put the name of the task type as the Description Name as well.

Show example



Use a description template