
Learn how AroFlo's Offline mode works for recording job related information out of service

Updated on July 27th, 2024

AroFlo Field features offline functionality that allows you to create tasks and record labor, material and expense information when not in a mobile service area. This information can then be either added to existing tasks or created as a new task when back in service.

Stay on current page

  • Ensure you are in an area that has access to the internet before entering Offline mode (see below)
  • While using AroFlo Field Offline, ensure you don't refresh the page or open a new session of AroFlo Field.

AroFlo Field Offline does not sync any existing Tasks for use offline. As such, all materials will be recorded as ad-hoc items.



Open Offline mode

Internet required for setup

Ensure you are in an area that has access to the internet before entering AroFlo Field Offline.



There are two ways to enter AroFlo Field Offline:

Not logged in

If you're not logged in to AroFlo, from the login screen, tap Open Field Offline, towards the bottom of the screen.

Already logged in

If you're already logged in to AroFlo Field, tap Offline from the Profile menu.

Add to home screen

Add this page as a link on your home screen or add it to your bookmarks if you plan on regularly attending out-of-service areas.



Create an offline task

In AroFlo Offline, the Task List will show a list of the offline tasks that you have previously created.

To create a new task offline:

  1. Tap Create Task.
  2. Enter the name of the task.

    If this task needs to match against an existing task, you will need to enter the same name as the existing task.

  3. Tap Save.


Add task notes

  1. In the Add Note section, adjust the Date and Time if necessary.
  2. Enter the details you want to note about the task.
  3. Tap Save.

The note will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Show me


Delete note

Tap the X beside the note if you need to delete it.



Add labor

All labor details will need to be manually entered because Offline mode is unable to retrieve any details from the AroFlo database.

  1. Tap the Lab button.
  2. Type the name of the Resource who the labor entry is for
  3. Book out the time worked on the task using the start and finish times, or entering the amount of Hours spent, and adjust the date if necessary.
  4. Add a labor Note to describe what you did onsite. 
  5. Save.

The labor entry will appear at the bottom of the screen.

 Show me


Delete entry

Tap the X beside the labor entry if you need to delete it.


What happens once this is online?

Labor entries added from an offline task will be assigned to the current user and the first Work Type in the list. The labor note will include the name, work type and note added from the offline task.



Add materials

Only ad-hoc materials can be added to the task in Offline mode.

  1. Tap the Mat button.
  2. Enter the details of the materials used, including Part No and Item description.
  3. Save.

The material entry will appear at the bottom of the screen.

 Show me


Delete entry

Tap the X beside the material entry if you need to delete it.


What happens once this is online?

Materials added from an offline task will be added as an ad-hoc item when uploaded.



Add expenses

  1. Tap the Exp button.
  2. Enter the details of the expense item such as the Expense description and cost.
  3. Save.

The expense entry will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Show me


Delete entry

Tap the X beside the expense entry if you need to delete it.


What happens once this is online?

Any expenses from the Offline Task will be added with no change.



Capture Signature

To capture a signature from your client:

  1. Tap the Sign button.
  2. Enter the Name of the person signing
  3. The person signing can use a stylus or their finger to sign inside the signature box


    Tap Clear to remove the signature if you need to sign again.

  4. Save.

Delete entry

Tap Delete if you need to delete the signature.



Uploading Offline Tasks

Once your device is back online, you can upload offline data against existing tasks or as brand new tasks.

  1. Tap < Tasks at the top left to return to your Offline Tasks List
  2. Tap < Field at the top left to return to the home screen.

    If you were using AroFlo Field Offline while not logged in, you'll be returned to the Login screen and you'll need to log in at this point.

  3. Open the Profile menu and tap Offline.
  4. Follow one of the steps below to link data with an existing task or create a new task for each Offline Task in the list.


Upload as a new task

If the Offline Task is a brand new task, you only need to map the client to the task before we upload it.

  1. From the Offline Tasks List, tap the task name you plan to upload
  2. Beside the Client: field, tap the (arrow pointing right
  3. Select or search for the Client in the list (see Clients)

    Once you return to the Task view, the client is highlighted to show it is linked to an existing client.

  4. On the Task view, click Upload Task to AroFlo.
  5. A confirmation will appear and the new task will now be in AroFlo. When ready, find the task in the Task List and edit any info you need to. See Tasks and Record Task Job Costs.


Upload to an existing Task

You can match any Offline Task to an existing task in AroFlo:

  1. From the Offline Tasks List, tap the task name that you want to add to an existing task
  2. Beside the Task: field, tap the (arrow pointing right) to view your current task list
  3. Select or search for the Task to be updated in the list

    Once you return to the Offline Task view, the existing online Task to be updated will be highlighted.

  4. On the Task view, click Upload Task to AroFlo.
  5. A confirmation will appear and the existing task will now be updated in AroFlo. When ready, find the task in the Task List and edit any info you need to. See Tasks and Record Task Job Costs.


Upload multiple offline tasks

Once you have linked Offline Tasks to a Client or to an existing online task (see above), rather than clicking 'Upload' for each, you can also do a bulk upload:

From the Offline Tasks List, tap Upload All Tasks.

Any Offline task without a linked Client or online Task will be skipped.



Delete Offline Task

If you need to delete a task you created while offline, tap the name of the task from the offline task list, and then tap Delete > confirm deletion.