Adding Assets to Tasks in AroFlo Office

Learn how to add assets to tasks in AroFlo Office

Updated on September 12th, 2024

Adding assets to tasks can be useful if you're doing maintenance on an asset, or for any recurring work.

You can:

  • add an asset to a task via the Assets tab, or
  • create a task from within an asset card, which links the asset to the task.


Add an asset via the Assets tab

Adding assets via the assets tab is useful in scenarios where multiple assets need to be checked for a job, e.g. fire extinguishers on each floor of an office building.

From the task worksheet:

  1. Click the Assets tab
  2. Click Add Asset
  3. Use the Search Assets window to add the assets you need 

    The search window will display assets assigned to the selected client. To view all assets, delete the client name from the search box and search by category or asset name, etc, using the fields at the top of the list.

    You can also add and edit an asset from the search window.

  4. Close the search window when finished.
  5. (Optional) Use the (grey pencil icon) to add a brief description related to this asset for this specific task, e.g. brief service notes like details of what to investigate with the asset, or which asset is being referred to if you have multiples of the same asset on site. 
  6. Save the task.


Asset Options

Once you've saved the task, the asset description will display beside each asset, along with each asset's asset types and serial number, if applicable. 

Also available are the asset checklist and task asset fields relevant to each asset.

You'll also have a few additional options:

Explanation of fields


Show All Required Fields dropdown

This option appears if you're using Task Asset Fields. See Task Asset Fields, below.

Generate Quote(s)

See Generate Quotes for Assets below

Click to reorder the assets in the list.
Asset Click the name of the asset to open the asset card.
Edit the description for this asset (see above).
ODO Reading field

Edit the ODO reading if required (only appears for assets with an ODO Type).

Vehicle servicing

See Track Vehicle Servicing Dates for more information on how you can use this feature.


Use this to:

  • Change Asset - Swap this asset for another one.
  • Remove Asset - Remove the asset from the task.


Hide/show the asset information tabs (see below)



Asset information tabs

More information about each asset is shown underneath each asset in the list, grouped into tabs:

Custom Fields

View custom fields relevant to this asset, for this task. See Task Asset Fields, below.



  • Create Form - Create new compliance forms linked to this asset, or
  • View existing ones.


  • Add Note - Add notes relevant to this asset for this instance, or
  • View existing ones.

Notes will also be added to the asset card with a reference and link to the task it was added from.



Access linked quotes for this asset. See Generate Quotes for Assets, below.



  • Escalate - Create a new task that can be individually scheduled for work to be completed in another site visit (e.g. if further repairs need to be organized).
  • View existing created escalated tasks.

Show/Hide information

  • Click the up/down facing arrows to hide/show the asset information tabs
  • If hidden, clicking on one of the tabs will display the information again


Asset Checklist

Much like task checklists, you can select a response (Pass, Fail, or N/A) for assets added to tasks.


For air-conditioning inspections, if a unit has been inspected and found it doesn't need servicing, you could mark it as passed. If the unit requires a service, you could mark it as failed, to indicate to your client that it's in need of a service.


GPS information

If an asset contains the option Get GPS on Task Asset Checklist (see Create an Asset), you'll have an additional option to display the GPS information, captured from AroFlo Field. Click the (world icon) to view the information on a map.




Select all

If you have a long list of assets to select a response for, click Update Multiple at the top of the task asset list to mark all assets as passed, failed, or n/a, as opposed to selecting a response for each one.

If you have already selected a response for some assets, Save Task prior to doing this.


If some assets already have a response and the task has been saved, you'll have to make a choice as to what you want to do:

Option Description
Unselected Assets Update assets in the list that haven't yet received a response to the chosen selection.
All Assets Update all assets in the list to the chosen selection.

There are two ways in which you can use this function:

  • Use Update Multiple to select a response for all assets (e.g. Pass), then work through the list and select a different response for some assets, and then Save Task.
  • Work through the list and select a response for the relevant assets, Save Task, then use Update Multiple to select a response for all remaining items (Unselected Assets).

If all assets have a response and the task is saved

If using this feature once all assets in the list have got a response and the task has been saved, you won't be able to edit the response for some assets and use Update Multiple to select only the unedited ones. This means you can either:

  1. change the response of individual assets
  2. use Update Multiple to update the response for all assets.


Task Asset Fields

If you're using Task Asset Fields, fill these fields out and Save your task.


See Using Task Asset Fields for more information on using this feature.



Generate Quotes for Assets

If you need to generate a quote for assets, for example, assets that have failed an inspection, use the Generate Quote(s) function.
  1. From the Task Asset List header, click Generate Quote(s)
  2. Select the assets you'd like to add to the quote from the list that displays (see image) 


    By default, only assets that have been marked as failed will display and will be selected. To view/select assets in other statuses, use the filter () at the top right of the window.

    Option Description
    (No filter) All assets on the task will display
    None Assets without a response selected will display
    Pass Displays assets marked as passed
    Fail Displays assets marked as failed
    N/A Displays assets marked as n/a
  3. Select:
    • Generate single quote for all assets - to add all assets onto a single quote, or
    • Generate individual quotes for each asset - to generate a separate quote for each asset
  4. Click Generate Quote(s).

How do I know that a quote hasn't already been raised for this asset?

There are two ways you can tell if a quote has already been raised for an asset:


  1. When you click Generate Quote(s), each asset will have a Quotes column, letting you know if quotes already exist and how many. Click Show (x) to view and access the linked quote (see image).
  2. The Quotes tab for an asset will have a counter on it to show you how many quotes are linked to the asset. See View Linked Quotes, below.


View Linked Quotes

Once a quote is created, it will be available in your quotes list (Workflow > Quotes).


Alternatively, from the task you generated a quote(s) from:

  1. Click Assets under Extra Details to open the Assets tab
  2. Click the Quotes tab for an asset to view and access linked quotes containing this asset (see image).
  3. Click the relevant quote to open it.

The quote(s) will also be linked to the task in the Linked Tasks tab.

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Name of generated quote

The name(s) of the generated quote(s) will be:

  • (original JN) - (original task name) - if using a single quote for all assets
  • (original JN) - (asset name) - if using individual quotes for each asset.

If multiple quotes are generated and the quote name already exists, a number in brackets will be added at the end.



Rename quote

To rename a quote, open the quote and edit the quote header.

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What appears on the quote

Each asset that a quote was generated for will be included on the Assets tab of your quote.


In addition, line items will automatically be added to your quote:

  • If you've linked inventory items to assets for each asset, its linked inventory items will be added to the quote as line items.
  • For assets that don't have inventory items linked to them, an ad hoc line item of the same name as each asset will be added to the quote.

Edit these line items as necessary.

In this example, the asset Boracay (AR4500) - Wall Split doesn't have any inventory linked to it, but the asset Samsung Split System has two inventory items linked to it.
In this example, the asset Boracay (AR4500) - Wall Split doesn't have any inventory linked to it, but the asset Samsung Split System has two inventory items linked to it.


Create a task from an asset

Creating a task from an asset can be useful if you need to perform maintenance work on an asset and only one asset is involved. You can also scan an asset's barcode and create a job from the asset card.


To create a task from an asset:

  • from the asset list, click the(plus button) under the Actions column for the relevant asset, or
  • from the asset card, click Create > Task towards the top right.


The Create Task screen will be prefilled with the asset name, the client the asset belongs to, and the location (if applicable). Edit these fields if necessary.


Once you've created the task, the asset will appear in the Asset field of the task worksheet (see image).

This also displays on the task worksheet in AroFlo Field with an option to view the asset's details or history.

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Click Asset if you need to change the asset to bring up the Search Assets window.

  • The search window will display assets assigned to the selected client. To view all assets, delete the client name from the search box and search by category and/or the fields at the top of the list.
  • You can also add and edit an asset from the search window.

The asset will also appear in the Assets tab. You can also add other assets to the task if you need to. See Add an asset via the Assets tab, above.