Add Timesheet Overheads

Learn how to use overheads to record non-productive time in AroFlo Office

Updated on July 10th, 2024

The Timesheets area is primarily used for recording non-productive time or reimbursable expenses as overheads.

This may include things like personal leave, public holidays, annual leave, or travel reimbursement.

Recording labor on a job

Users can record task labor against a task in the Manage > Timesheets area, but we recommend that users complete this information on a task job sheet during each task.


Permission Groups

Managers and Supervisors can also view and add timesheets for other users. Site Administrators can enable this access for those in custom permission groups.

Custom Permission Groups

  • Permission Groups > [Select permission group] > Users > Filters > Current User (set to unticked)
  • Permission Groups > [Select permission group] > Timesheets > Fields > Users > View (set to ticked)
  • Permission Groups > [Select permission group] > Task > Filters > Labor Created by or Assigned to User (set to unticked)

Record an entry using timesheet fields

  1. Go to Manage > Timesheet. The Daily View opens.
  2. Select the user / resource from the Timesheet for dropdown list on the left.
  3. Use the calendar panel on the left to select a date for the timesheet entry.
  4. Enter total hours in the Hrs/Qty field, or click to enter specific start and finish times.
  5. Click (magnifying glass icon) to select a Task or an Overhead.

    To change a task on an existing timesheet entry, click (pencil icon), then click (magnifying glass icon) to select a task from the list.

  6. Optional: Enter any supporting information into the Note field.
  7. Select a work type from the dropdown list.
  8. Save.


Record an entry using the timer

Non-productive time vs productive time

The timer in the Manage > Timesheet view is used for recording an overhead (non-productive time).

To start a task timer (productive time), go to Workflow > Open. Start the timer from the Task Preview of the relevant task, or alternatively, open the Task and start the timer from the Worksheet or Labor Worksheet.


Start the timer

When you arrive at the event:

  1. Go to Manage > Timesheet. The Daily View opens.
  2. Select the user / resource from the Timesheet for dropdown list on the left.
  3. Click Start Timer on the top right of the screen. The timer will start. Elapsed time will be displayed on the button.

Stop the timer

Once you have finished at the event:

  1. Go to Manage > Timesheet. The Daily View opens.
  2. Select the user / resource from the Timesheet for dropdown list on the left.
  3. Click the elapsed time on the top right of the screen.
  4. The Labor Timer window will open. Click Stop Timer.


Create an entry from the timer

You can preset any details below (like the overhead and note) while the timer is still running.


From the Labor Timer Window , confirm the fields required for a timesheet entry:

  1. To add another user to the timesheet, click Add User. Select them from the list.

    Only certain users can add resources

    Any user can view their own timesheets and enter their own records. Users in the Supervisor and Management permission groups can also view timesheets for other resources and enter labor on their behalf.

    For custom permission groups, set permissions via:

    - Permission Groups > Users > Filters > Current User (set to unticked)
    - Permission Groups > Timesheets > Fields > Users > View (set to ticked)
    - Permission Groups > Task > Filters > Labor Created by or Assigned to User (set to unticked)

  2. The user you selected previously (in the Timesheet For dropdown) is automatically added to the timesheet. Confirm the default work type that has been set.

    More info

    Work types are not only used to define the various labor rates your business charges for services, but are also used for calculating overtime such as time & a half or double time for payroll purposes. This list of work types may be filtered based on business unit or user settings. To view all work types, click Show all at the bottom of the list.

  3. Confirm the Overhead if the entry is non-productive time.

    More info

    Overheads are used to define various non-productive time (annual leave, admin work, travel time, lunch breaks) and timesheet expenses (fuel allowance, meals) which users can book against when entering a timesheet.

  4. If the timer is still running, click Stop Timer.
  5. Record a Tracking Center (optional), if they are used in your business.
  6. Record a Note (optional) - this is useful for recording supporting information such as the reason for taking leave.
  7. Click Create Timesheet Entry.

    To cancel the timesheet entry and resume timing, click Cancel and close the window.



View all active timers

Managers, Supervisors (and those with permission) can also view active timers for other users.

  1. Go to Manage > Timesheet. The Daily View opens.
  2. Click Show ALL Active Timers on the top right.

From here you can stop a timer, create timesheet entries, or add other users to an active timer.

Refer to the section above (Create an entry from the timer) for more information on the Labor Timer window.