Compliance Forms - Overview

Learn how to link a compliance form to a task, and complete it with AroFlo Field

Updated on July 27th, 2024

Compliance forms are used in the field to assess the risks and possible dangers of a work site.


AroFlo provides three types of compliance form templates, each with different features that suit a variety of requirements:

  • OHS Checklists
  • Risk Templates
  • Custom Forms

Compliance form templates are designed by your Site Administrator. Please contact your Site Administrator if any template changes are required.



How to add a form to a task

  1. Log into AroFlo Field and open the task.
  2. Either tap the Forms tile, or the More tab > Forms    
  3. You'll land on the Spec Forms tab but you can choose the tab you need:

    Spec Forms

    Displays forms applicable to the task, e.g. forms linked to the task type and/or periodic template.

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    All Forms

    Displays the full list of forms available to you.

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    Task Forms

    Displays a list of forms that have already been linked to the task, including via forms linked to checklist items and assets.

    Forms are categorised by status so you can easily see if a form needs to be completed.

    Print and Email

    From here you can Print or Email your compliance forms.


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  4. Tap the form name and complete the fields as required. Depending on the type of form, you may have some fields to fill out before saving the form to access the rest of the information using the tabbed layout. See the information below.
  5. Change the status to Closed.
  6. Save.


Create Form

If adding a custom form or creating an ad-hoc risk assessment, the following fields will appear.

Fill out the fields and Save to access the form using the tabbed layout.

You can still access these fields on the next screen.


Create Form Options Explained

Form Type The type of form, e.g. Risk Assessment, OHS Checklist, or name of custom form.
Job No The job number of the task, if the form has been created from a task.
Ref. No The reference number of the form.

The name of the task the form was created from, if applicable.

Task Link

From a form, tap the task link to return to the task this form is attached to. 

Name / Incident

The name of this form.


The name of the form will be prefilled in the following scenarios but you can overwrite it if necessary:

  • If the form was added to a task
  • If an asset was selected when the form was created
  • If the form was selected from the Spec Forms area

If this form relates to a particular asset, select it from the dropdown.

 Asset dropdown

  • The dropdown will appear if the selected client has assets linked to them
  • If a location has been selected on the task, assets belonging to the selected client and location will display in the dropdown. If no assets exist for the location, the Asset dropdown will not appear.
Reported Date

Select a date this form was completed on (defaults to today's date but can be edited using the date picker).



Form Tabs

The form displays using the tabbed layout.

Access elements of the form using the tabs at the bottom.

All tabs except for the Form tab will have a counter on them if there is information contained within them, e.g. if a note or document has been added.



The main details of the form appear in the Form tab. Scroll down to access checklist items.

Explanation of fields

Information Description
Job No The job number of the task, if the form has been created from a task.
Ref. No Reference number of the form.
Name / Incident

Name of this form.


The name of the form will be prefilled in the following scenarios but you can overwrite it if necessary:

  • If the form was added to a task
  • If an asset was selected when the form was created
  • If the form was selected from the Spec Forms area.

If this form relates to a particular asset, select it from the dropdown.

Asset dropdown

The dropdown will appear if the selected client has assets linked to them. If a location has been selected on the task, assets belonging to the selected client and location will display in the dropdown. If no assets exist for the location, the Asset dropdown will not appear.


If you selected an asset on the Create Form screen, the asset will be displayed here. Tap (box with arrow) to open the Asset Card


The name of the task the form was created from, if applicable.

From a form, tap the task link to return to the task this form is attached to.

Show this

Reported Date Select a date this form was completed on (defaults to today's date but can be edited using the date picker).

Linked Docs

Custom Forms only

Only applicable to Custom Forms.


If the form contains linked documents, tap Linked Docs to access these.





Tap the Notes tab to enter notes on the form, for example, things that need to be completed as part of an assessment.

Tap Save Note once finished.



Tap the More tab > Upload Docs & Photos if you need to attach documents or photos to the form, e.g. a photo of something on site that could be a potential risk.


Other options

These options appear on most of the tabs available to you:

Form header

The form header is available on every tab and tells you the Form Type and the form Name / Incident. See info above. Also included is the form status.

Form status

Tap the form status in the header to update it:

Status Description


A compliance form that needs to be completed. Open compliance forms on tasks can be found in Compliance > Items.



Close a compliance form.

Forms can contain the option that they must be closed in order for the task to be marked as completed.




Mark a compliance form as Void. See Void a Compliance Form, below.

Capture Signature 

Capture a signature from the necessary parties, for example, employees, customer, or sub-contractors. Depending on the type of form, you may need multiple signatures. This is available on all tabs except More.

Forms can contain the setting that a signature must be captured before the form can be marked as closed.



Tap Save to save any changes you've made to the form. This is available on all tabs except More.



Void a Compliance Form

If you create a compliance form in error, you should mark the status as 'Void' and record a reason for reference purposes (optional).


Voided forms are clearly marked with a red banner displaying the user, date/time and reason. You can also filter your compliance items list by 'Voided'.

Show banner



See Emailing and Printing.


Types of Compliance Forms

The next page will look at the different types of Compliance forms:

OHS Checklists | Risk Templates | Custom Forms