Task Worksheet Labor

Learn how to add labor to a task in AroFlo Office

Updated on January 15th, 2025

The Task Worksheet (Labor) screen displays all of the timesheet entries that have been recorded against an open task. Office staff can adjust these hours if needed, and also record labor on behalf of employees.

Once the task status has been moved to 'Completed', this screen is no longer accessible, to prevent any changes that may affect invoicing.

Likewise, once staff timesheets have been signed off for the day or the week, labor entries cannot be added or edited for that day/week.


Any user can view their own timesheets and enter their own labor records. Managers, Supervisors (and those with permission) can also view timesheets for other resources and enter labor on their behalf.

Custom permission groups

For custom permission groups, Site Administrators can enable this via:

  • Permission Groups > Users > Filters > Current User (set to unticked)
  • Permission Groups > Timesheets > Fields > Users > View (set to ticked)
  • Permission Groups > Task > Filters > Labor Created by or Assigned to User (set to unticked)

Feature Access settings

How labor items display once saved (e.g. whether or not prices are showing) depends on your Labor visibility set within your Feature Access Settings.


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Record a new labor entry

These can be recorded in two ways:

Manual entry using the Add Labor fields

From the Task Worksheet, click Labor. Complete the fields that appear under 'Add Labor'.

This can be used to create an entry at any time, including after the event.


Using the Start/stop timer

From the Task Worksheet, Labor Worksheet, or Task Preview, using the start / stop timer.

This is like a stopwatch. It can help you remember the time you started and provide an accurate timesheet entry. However, the timer must be started at the beginning of the event. To make this easier, you can set up your checklist items to automatically start or stop the timer. See Checklist Templates for instructions.



Record an entry using Add Labor fields

  1. From the Task Worksheet, click Labor.
  2. Select the resource from the dropdown list.
  3. Select the appropriate work type from the dropdown list.
  4. Enter start and finish times by either typing them in or using the (clock) icon. You can also just enter the number of Hours, without giving a start or finish time.

    If you've already made at least one labor entry on the task, the Use Last Time checkbox will appear in the Add Labor area. Click this to apply the times (either start/finish times or total hours) of the most recent entry. This can be handy if you need to record labor for more than one resource on the same job.

    Show me

  5. The date defaults to today's date. You can back-date the timesheet, if needed.
  6. Optional: Select a Tracking Centre.
  7. Optional: Enter a labor note. You can click Descriptions to access description templates for this.
  8. Click Save Labor.

Manage timesheets with GPS

Management users are able to access tracking information for GPS timesheet entries by clicking the (map icon). For more information, see Manage Timesheets with GPS.



Record labor using the timer

Start the timer

When you start working on the Task:

  1. Access the Task Worksheet, Labour Worksheet, or the Task Preview
  2. Click Start Timer on the top right of the screen. The timer will start. Elapsed time will be displayed on the button.

From Task Worksheet


From Labour Worksheet


Can't see the timer?

The timer button will not be visible if you have an active timer running on another Task. To see if you have an active timer on another Task, go to Manage > Timesheet. Your timer will appear on the top right of the screen.

Permission Groups are also required to see the timer. Site Administrators can create a custom permission group and enable the timer via: Permission Groups > Tasks > Fields > Labour Timer (set to ticked).


Alternative: Start Timer Automatically
If there's a checklist item that users always complete at the start of a job, e.g. 'Arrived on site', you can set this item up to automatically start the timer. See Checklist Templates for details.


Stop the timer

Once you have finished the Task:

  1. Access the Task Worksheet, Labour Worksheet, or the Task Preview
  2. Click the elapsed time on the top right of the screen. The Labor Timer window will open.
  3. Click Stop Timer.

Alternative: Stop Timer Automatically

If there's a checklist item that users always complete at the end of a job, e.g. 'Left site in clean state', you can set this item up to automatically stop the timer. See Checklist Templates for details.


Create an entry from the timer

You can preset any details below (like the labor note) while the timer is still running.


From the Labor Timer Window, confirm the fields required for a labor entry:

Labor Timer Window

Click the elapsed time on the timer button to access the labor timer window.

  1. The logged-in user is automatically added to the labor entry. Confirm the default work type that has been set.

    More info

    Work types are not only used to define the various labor rates your business charges for services, but are also used for calculating overtime such as time & a half or double time for payroll purposes. This list of work types may be filtered based on business unit or user settings. To view all work types, tap Show all at the bottom of the list.

  2. To add other users to the timesheet, you have two options:
    1. click Select Users and select them from the list, or alternatively
    2. click Add Scheduled Users to automatically add all users scheduled to the task

      You may need permission to do this

      Any user can view their own timesheets and enter their own records. Users in the Supervisor and Management permission groups can also view timesheets for other users and enter labor on their behalf.

      For custom permission groups, set permissions via:

      - Permission Groups > Users > Filters > Current User (set to unticked)

      - Permission Groups > Timesheets > Fields > Users > View (set to ticked)

      - Permission Groups > Task > Filters > Labor Created by or Assigned to User (set to unticked)

      Whichever option you choose, confirm the default work types for each user.

      Click the red cross () if you need to remove any resources.

  3. If the timer is still running, click Stop Timer.
  4. Record a Tracking Center (optional), if they are used in your business.
  5. Record a Note (optional) - this is useful for recording notes about the work performed, which may be included on an invoice.
  6. Tap Create Timesheet Entry.

    To cancel the timesheet entry and resume timing, click Cancel and close the window.


View all active timers on a Task

Managers, Supervisors (and those with permission) can use this to view active timers on a Task.

Custom permission groups

Site Administrators can create a custom permission group and enable the timer via: Permission Groups > Tasks > Fields > Labor Timer (set to ticked)


To see the active timers across all Tasks (and Overheads), use the Active Timers button found in Timesheets.

  1. Open the Task.
  2. Click Show All Task Timers under the header.
    From here you can stop a timer, create labor entries, and add other users to an active timer.

You can also start a timer on behalf of other users who are assigned or scheduled to the task.



Work Order Labour

To view labor added from Work Orders:

  1. From the Task Worksheet, click Labor.
  2. Click the Contractor Labor tab.

Work Order link

Click the Order Number or Resource (Contractor name) to view the work order this entry relates to.


Automatically add New Items to Task

If the setting Automatically add New Items to Task in Work Order settings has been unticked, entries will appear here but with an amount of hours as 0. You'll need to edit this value either from here or on the work order (Task Quantity column) if you want these job costs to be included on the task.



Capture a signature

To record a signature against a timesheet entry:

  1. Click the checkbox in the Labour Signed column against the entry you want the signature for.

    A (green squiggle) icon in the Weekly Signed column indicates that the timesheet has been signed off for the week. That means individual timesheet entries are locked and cannot be deleted or edited unless the sign-off is reversed. See Add Timesheets for more information about timesheet signoff.

    Show me

  2. Click Capture Signature.
  3. In the Print Name field, enter the name of the person.
  4. Optional: Select a label, e.g. Contractor End, to indicate what the signature supports.
  5. Have the person use the mouse (on a PC) or their finger (on a mobile device) to record their signature.
  6. Click Capture Signature.

To view the signatures, click Group by Signature. To return to the standard view, click Group By None.

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Edit a labor entry

Staff can edit their own labor entries, as long as their timesheet has not been signed off for the day or week.

If daily or weekly sign-off has been completed, it will need to be reversed to allow for any entries to be altered. See Add Timesheets for more information.

To edit a labor entry that you have created:

  1. Open the task.
  2. Click the Labor button.
  3. Make the necessary change.

    Editable entries appear darker than those that have been daily or weekly approved.

    In this example, the first two entries are editable

  4. Click Save Labor.