GPS Reports

Learn how to generate GPS reports in AroFlo Office

Updated on May 27th, 2024

AroPoint features a dedicated GPS reporting function. This page will go through some common types of reports that you might want to set up or view, for example, data about each time an object goes in and out of a geofence.

Click (spanner icon) > Reports.



Generate a Report

  1. Select the report Type from the dropdown.
  2. Select the report Format.


    Report Format Description
    HTML Suitable to view in a Web Browser
    XLS Suitable to view and edit using Microsoft Excel
    PDF / PDF (Landscape) Suitable to view in either portrait or landscape format using a PDF reader, e.g. Adobe Acrobat
  3. Select a time period from the dropdown, or input a date range using the calendar options.
  4. Select the objects you want to include in this report and close the dropdown box.        

    Select all

    Use the Select all function to select all objects.

  5. If using the Geofence in/out report type, select applicable geofences to be included in the report.        

    Select all

    Use the Select all function to select all geofences.


     Optional fields

    The fields that apply are determined by the report type you choose.

    Send to email

    Enter the email address the report should be sent to.

    This only applies to scheduled reports.


    Select a frequency of when you'd like to receive emails and enter a time you'd like to receive it.

    This only applies to scheduled reports.

    Speed Limit

    Enter the maximum / minimum speed limit. This is mandatory for Overspeed and Underspeed reports, but other reports may reference speed limit data if you input a value here.


    Set duration of stops

    This can eliminate traffic light stops, e.g. >2 min will only display data for stops that are greater than two minutes. By default this is set to >1 min, e.g. stops that are less than one minute will not create a data entry line.

    Show addresses

    Nearest address will be shown against each data entry line.

    Zones instead of addresses

    Geofence zones will be shown against each data entry line.

  6. Click Generate to view the report.


Types of reports

There are several different report types to choose from. Below is a description of the most common ones you might want to use.

Report Type
General Information Shows basic information like start and end time, route length, average speed, top speed. 
General Information (merged) Same information as above but in a table format.
Drives and stops Same information as General Information but with added stops, including duration of intervals between stops.
Drives and stops / Geoefences Same information as Drives and stops but with added geofence information.
Travel sheet Gives coordinates of stops and duration in between.
Overspeed Displays records of when the speed entered into the Speed limit field was exceeded, by how much, and for how long.
Underspeed Displays records of when the object speed was less than the speed entered into the Speed limit field, by how much, and for how long.
Geofence in/out

Gives the times at which an object entered or left a geofence, including stop duration.

This report requires you to select geofences.


Save a Report as a template

  1. Type a Title for your report.
  2. Follow the instructions for Generate a Report up to the end of step 5.
  3. Click Save. Your saved reports will be stored in the Generated reports tab.

Click the (cog) to view the settings in the Main tab.

This is helpful if you want to generate the report again in future, or create another report based on the majority of this data, rather than starting from scratch.


Scheduled Reports

  1. Type a Title for your report.
  2. Follow the instructions for Generate a Report up to the end of step 5.
  3. Type an email address in the Send to email field to forward the generated report to.       

    Multiple email addresses       
    To send to more than one email address, enter a comma after each email address.

  4. Tick Daily and/or Weekly to send the report periodically to the above email address(es), and enter a time you'd like to receive the report, in the corresponding box.
    • Daily - reports will be sent every day for the previous day.
    • Weekly - reports will be sent every Monday for the previous week.
  5. Click Save. Your saved reports will be stored in the Generated reports tab.

Click the (cog) to view the settings in the Main tab.

This is helpful if you want to generate the report again in future, or create another report based on the majority of this data, rather than starting from scratch.


Scheduled reports logs

Previous periodic reports will be stored in the Scheduled reports logs tab and can be reviewed from there. This can be useful if you can't find the corresponding email or didn't receive it for some reason.