
Learn about using geofences to help you manage jobs using GPS in AroFlo Office

Updated on May 27th, 2024

What is a geofence?

A geofence is a user-created virtual boundary that can trigger an alert when a GPS-tracked object enters or exits the boundary. For example, you may set up work zones and you want to be able to track where your drivers are in relation to these zones.

The geofences shown on the map are determined by your AroPoint profile.

Geofences are not to be confused with AroFlo's Resource Zones.



Creating geofences

  1. From Tools click Geofencing  
    The following panel appears: 
  2. Click the (plus icon) to create a new geofence.
  3. Use the mouse to draw a polygon on the map. Click to determine points when creating geofences for curved roads. Click the first box again to complete the shape.
  4. Type in a name for your geofence and choose a color.
  5. Select a group to assign the new geofence to or create a group (optional).
  6. Save.

You can now create an alert for this geofence if you want to.


Editing a geofence

To edit a geofence, click on the corresponding geofence option (), and click Edit.

You'll be able to edit the points, the name of the geofence, the group, and the color.

Remember to Save.

Ticking / unticking the check boxes will show / hide the geofences on the map.


Deleting a geofence

To delete a geofence, click on the corresponding geofence option and click Delete.



Geofence groups

Just like with objects, you can create groups for your geofences if you wish.


You might want to create groups so that not all of your geofences are displayed on the map at one time. You could have Supplier geofences as one group and Work Sites as another group, or Eastern Suburbs as one group, and Northern Suburbs as another.

  1. Click the three dots beside the geofence name and click Edit.
  2. Click the (plus icon) next to the Group field.
  3. Similar to creating object groups, type each group name in the 'Name' fields.
  4. Save.
  5. Select which group to assign this geofence to using the dropdown.
  6. Save.

Ticking / unticking the check boxes next to the group name will show / hide the whole geofence group on the map.


If you don't create geofence groups, a default group of 'Ungrouped' will display.



Exporting and importing geofences

Exporting and importing geofences is a handy way of sharing geofences without each user creating them from scratch.


Exporting geofences

Click the settings button on the left of the Create Geofence button and click Export. You'll have four options on what to export:

Export Types

Export type
Export single Select the individual geofences you want to export
Export groups Select the geofence groups you want to export
Export active

Automatically selects the geofences you're currently displaying (but you can still select more if you want).

Show me

Export inactive

Automatically selects the geofences you're not currently displaying (but you can still select more if you want)

Show me


Once you've selected the geofences and/or geofence groups you want to export, click Export. The file will download to your computer as a .gexp file.


Importing geofences

To import geofences/geofence groups, make sure you're displaying the geofence menu first (ToolsGeofencing), then click the settings button on the left of the Create Geofence button and click Import. Select the .gexp file from your computer and Open. The relevant geofences and/or geofence groups saved from the export will populate in your geofence list.