Set Up Online Invoices

Learn how to set up online invoices in AroFlo Office

Updated on July 27th, 2024

Setting up Online Invoices consists of three steps, which are only done once.

  1. Add the 'View Invoice' button to your invoice email templates.
  2. Connect to a Payment Gateway provider (optional).
  3. Set up relevant notifications for Online Invoices (optional).


Add 'View Invoice' button to Email Templates

You can skip this step and use our free template. Select the Online Invoice Email AroFlo Standard in your email templates when sending your email.


To add the 'View Invoice' button to your email templates:

  1. From any Invoice Worksheet, select Email (under the Print Options) 

    Show me

  2. Click the Select Template button (it may display the name of a template)    

    Show me

  3. Select the Email Template used for invoices, then click Edit Template.    

    If you don't have a template for invoices, you can add a template or start with the Online Invoice Email AroFlo Standard template.

  4. Select a spot in the email body that will display the button.
  5. In the Static Data area, search for Online Invoice Link. Click it to add it to your email.
  6. Click Save.

The 'View Invoice' button will now appear when you select the email template.

You can also set this template to be the default email body on invoices.



Connect a Payment Gateway Provider (optional)

A payment gateway is only required if you want to let clients pay invoices online. A payment gateway manages the online processing of debit and credit card payments.


Payment methods also allow you to set your preferred methods of payment (such as Visa or Mastercard) and any surcharges.


AroFlo currently integrates with several popular payment gateways and payment methods, which you can quickly sign up for and configure via AroFlo's Site Administration.


To set up Online Payments:

  1. Configure a Payment Gateway. See Payment Gateways.
  2. Add Payment Methods and any Surcharges. See Payment Methods.

When setting payment methods, ensure you tick 'Visible on Pay Now' so they appear in the Client Payment Portal.



Change Online Invoice design (optional)

The content of the Online Invoice uses the selected layout set in the Print Options area of the Invoice.

If you want to, you can create a customised layout for Online Invoices and even set this as a default either for all invoices, and/or for individual clients.


Using multiple Business Units?

If using multiple business units, we recommend using the (Owner) fields in your layouts as opposed to (BU) ones, to ensure the correct information comes through on the preview.


Set Up Notifications for Online Invoices (optional)

Event messages allow you to set up automatic alerts when:

  • an invoice status changes
  • a payment is made against an online invoice
  • a client asks a question about an invoice.


Set Up Notifications for Invoice Status Changes

Set up an event message to allow you to set up automatic alerts when the invoice status changes.

This is ideal when:

  • An invoice is pending approval and requires a review from someone else.
  • You want to know that an invoice has been approved and is ready for client payment.
  • You want to be informed if a user changes an invoice after it has been approved.

To set up a notification:

  1. Go to Site Admin > Settings > General > Event Messages.
  2. Select an Event to trigger the notification. 
    Select either: 
        a) Invoice Status - Pending Approval 
        b) Invoice Status - Approved 
        c) Invoice Status - In Progress (Note: This event only triggers when going from Approved to In Progress)
  3. Choose the message type, either Add Email, Add SMS or Add Webhook.
  4. Complete the event message fields.
  5. Click Save Settings.

See the image for some suggested settings or expand the section below.


Event Message Suggestions...

Event: Invoice Approved

Send / Alert At time of event
Performers Any
From Current User
To Task Sales Person, Client Account Managers, Task Assigned To

Create a new email template called 'Invoice Approved'. The body could include the following: 

Invoice [Invoice Number] is approved and ready for client payment. (Task [Job Number][Task]). The balance remaining is [Invoice Balance Due].

Information about the job can be found here:

[Task URL Link (office)]

[Invoice URL Link]

Show Sent History in Task Notes Not ticked
Track Delivery Status, Opens and Clicks Not ticked
Allow Reply Imports Not ticked


Set Up Notifications for Created Payments

Set up an event message to allow you to set up automatic alerts when a payment is made against an Online Invoice.


To set up a notification:

  1. Go to Site Admin > Settings > General > Event Messages.
  2. Select Invoice - Payment Create to trigger the notification.
  3. Choose the message type, either Add EmailAdd SMS or Add Webhook.
  4. Complete the event message fields.
  5. Click Save Settings.

See the image or expand the section below for some suggested settings.


Event Message Suggestions...

Send / Alert At time of event
  • Select 'External' to receive notifications for payments created by clients, or
  • Select permission groups to receive notifications for internally added payments, or
  • Leave as 'Any' to receive notifications for payments regardless of who created them.

BU Manager

Alternatively, for email event messages, select Custom to input your own 'from' email address, e.g. your accounts team email address.


Task Assigned To, Client Account Managers



Create a new email template called 'Invoice Payment Received'. The body could include the following:

A payment of [Payment Amount] has been received for Invoice [Invoice Number] (Task [Job Number][Task]). The balance remaining is [Invoice Balance Due].

Information about the job can be found here:

[Task URL Link (office)]

[Invoice URL Link]

Show Sent History in Task Notes Not ticked
Track Delivery Status, Opens and Clicks Not ticked
Allow Reply Imports Not ticked


Set Up Notifications for Ask a Question

If a client asks a question on an online invoice, an email will automatically be sent to the Business Unit Manager.

Click to see what the email looks like



If you want to set up a notification for others in your company, you can set up an event message.


To set up a notification for questions asked on an invoice:

  1. Go to Site Admin > Settings > General > Event Messages.
  2. Select Invoice - Add Invoice Note to trigger the notification.
  3. Choose the message type, either Add Email, Add SMS or Add Webhook.
  4. Complete the event message fields.
  5. Click Save Settings.

See the image for some suggested settings or expand the section below.


Event Message Suggestions...

Send / Alert At time of event
Performers External

BU Manager

Alternatively, for email event messages, select Custom to input your own 'from' email address, e.g. your accounts team email address.

To Task Assigned To, Task Sales Person, Client Account Managers

Create a new email template called 'Ask a Question on invoice'. The body could include the following:

Client Name] has asked a question on Invoice [Invoice Number] for [Invoice Balance Due].

Information about the invoice can be found here: [Invoice URL Link]

Show Sent History in Task Notes Ticked
Track Delivery Status, Opens and Clicks Not ticked
Allow Reply Imports Ticked


Information for users with RTF Document Templates

Online Invoices set to show layouts with an RTF Document Template will display a generic design and message to download the invoice. See the example image.

Online Invoices display layouts as they appear in the Layout Preview, which will be different from the PDF generated. The Layout Preview does not display content created in a linked RTF file. 


If you would prefer to display the layout preview over the generic design:

  1. Open an Invoice Worksheet 
  2. Go to the Print Options area (bottom left) and click Preview.
  3. Select the invoice layout from the dropdown.
  4. Click Customise.
  5. Click Layout Setup and tick Use Layout Preview for Online View

    Show me

  6. Click Save / Remove, then Save.
  7. Click Preview/Customise, then Preview.

The Online Invoice view will now display the layout as it appears in the Layout Preview.


Once you have completed setup, you can start using Online Invoices!