Edit a Schedule

Learn how to edit a schedule in AroFlo Office

Updated on September 6th, 2024

Good to know

  • Locked timesheets: If a user's timesheet has been approved for the day or week, you will not be able to edit any events for that day/week. See Timesheets for more information.
  • Event Invites: If you've sent an event invite for the schedule you want to edit, AroFlo will prompt you to send an updated event invite once you've changed the schedule. Click OK to do so.
  • Crew schedules: The instructions below apply to schedules assigned to a Crew but not to individual schedules as part of a crew, as these are read-only. See Working with Crews for more info. 

    Show me the difference

    Crew Individual (Read-Only)
  • Private schedules: Certain schedules may appear as private schedules. See Private Schedules, below.


Change the schedule time

You can easily change the time of a schedule you have already created. This can be achieved in two ways:

From the calendar view

  1. In your calendar, click the schedule and drag it to the new start time.
  2. If you need to change the finish time, click the = sign at the bottom of the schedule and drag it up or down to the new finish time.

Group Schedules

If changing the time of a group schedule, you will notice that the groups move together to the new time. This means you don't have to move each schedule individually.


From the schedule window

  1. In your calendar, click on the schedule to open the schedule window.
  2. Click in the start/finish time field and either select a new time from the dropdown list or type in the new time. 

    For a group schedule, click the Single Start, FinishNote checkbox to copy the new time to all resources within the group. This saves you from having to change them individually.

  3. Click Done to save your changes and update the calendar. 




Change the schedule date

You can easily change the date of a schedule you have already created. This can be achieved in two ways:

From the calendar view

In your calendar, simply click and drag the schedule to a new date.

Group Schedules
If changing the time of a group schedule, you will notice that the groups move together to the new time. This means you don't have to move each schedule individually.


From the schedule window

  1. In your calendar, click on the schedule to open the schedule window.
  2. Click (calendar icon) to open the date picker.
  3. You can click on one day, click and drag to select several days or weeks in a row, or hold down the Control key (or Command on Mac) on your keyboard and select several non-consecutive days.
  4. Click (calendar icon) to close.
  5. Click Done to save your changes and update the calendar.


Change the scheduled resource

You can easily change the resources of a schedule you have already created. This can be achieved in two ways:

From the calendar view

In the calendar resource view, simply click and drag the schedule from the current resource to the new resource.

When changing the resource in this way, be sure to move the schedule to a new resource within the same day, or you will change the date as well as the resource.


From the schedule window

  1. In your calendar, click on the schedule to open the schedule window.
  2. Either double-click the scheduled resource's name or click (two people icon) > Add Users to open the Search Users window. 
  3. You can add or remove as many resources as you like by clicking the checkboxes.
  4. Click x to close the Search Users window.
  5. Click Done to save your changes and update the calendar.


Changing a multiple-day schedule

When you drag a calendar entry in a schedule group to a different date or time on the calendar, you will be prompted with how you would like to update your schedule:

  • All x dates: Every schedule adjusts in line with one another in the format of the original.
  • This date only: The selected schedule turns into its own separate schedule, leaving the others in the format of the original.
  • This and x future dates: The selected schedule and the dates following move from the date you've chosen.

Once you have decided how you would like your schedules to adjust, click the relevant radio button and then click Apply.



Add schedule notes

Schedule notes are used to communicate information to the scheduled resource before they attend a job or an ad-hoc event. These notes appear on the resource's scheduled task list within AroFlo Field, and are the first thing they see before opening the task or event.

  1. In your calendar, click on the schedule to open the schedule window.
  2. Click in the empty rectangular box next to the start/finish times for the scheduled resource.
  3. Type in the schedule note e.g. 'call before attending', 'access via the side entrance', 'collect keys from office', etc.
  4. Check the Single Start, FinishNote checkbox if you would like the note to appear for all resources within the group schedule.
  5. Click Done to save your changes and update the calendar.


Private Schedules

If you don't have access to view a task, the task schedule will appear as a private schedule and you won't be able to click it to view further information.

Examples of access restrictions

  • The task may contain Task Restrictions
  • You don't have access to the business unit the task is owned by
  • You have access to the business unit the task is owned by, but the task was scheduled more than five days ago
  • You have access to the business unit the task is owned by, but are not scheduled to the task
  • You have access to the business unit the task is owned by, but are not assigned to the task.


Edit project task schedules

If the schedule you need to change relates to a task in a project that has a Gantt chart, changes you make on the Calendar will be reflected in the related Gantt chart. If you are increasing the task duration, you will have the option to cancel the change and make it via the Gantt chart instead.

See Schedule Project Tasks for more information.