Delete a Schedule

Learn how to delete a schedule in AroFlo Office

Updated on May 24th, 2024

You can delete an individual schedule or all schedules for a particular task, timesheet overhead or ad-hoc event from your calendar.

Event Invites

If you've sent an event invite for the schedule you want to delete, AroFlo will prompt you to send an updated event invite once you've deleted the schedule. Click OK to do so.



Delete an individual schedule group

The below instructions is to delete a schedule group. If you only want to delete the schedule for one user, crew, or asset, click the x next to the relevant name and confirm deletion.

  1. In your calendar, click on the schedule to open the schedule window.
  2. Click(rubbish bin) at the top, right side of the schedule box you wish to remove.
  3. Click OK to confirm.
  4. Click Done to save the changes and update the calendar.

If your schedule contains only one group, this will do the same thing as deleting the entire schedule, below.



Delete all schedule groups

  1. In your calendar, click on the schedule to open the schedule window.
  2. Click the Delete button at the bottom, left side of the window.
  3. Click OK to confirm.