Users - Overview

Learn about Users in AroFlo

Updated on June 18th, 2024

A User is an internal resource (person) who has access to AroFlo or has labor recorded against their name in the system. 

Click here for information on Timesheet Users

If you have opted for the Timesheet User add-on, these users are restricted by their nature to accessing Tasks and adding Timesheets only. Here is a chart of access to help break down what they can and cannot do:

Function Access
Access current tasks Assigned (to user) and/or scheduled tasks only
Add or remove assets from a task No access
View task notes No access/visibility
Add task notes No access/visibility
Add materials and/or expenses No access/visibility
Add labor Yes
Access compliance forms* No access/visibility
Access completed tasks No access/visibility
Upload photos to a task No access/visibility

Adding a user is an administration function that requires access to Site Admin. Please contact your Site Administrator for assistance.