Process a Purchase Order

Learn how to manually process a purchase order in AroFlo

Updated on June 3rd, 2024

These instructions show how to process a purchase order in AroFlo manually.

Purchase Orders are processed automatically when the associated Bill is processed (if the Purchase Order is in the Approved status).



Process a purchase order manually

  1. In AroFlo, go to Workflow Purchase Orders > Approved Purchase Orders.
  2. Find the order in the list.
  3. Tick the Process checkbox. The order moves to the Processed status and can now be found in the Processed Purchase Orders list.


Re-open a processed purchase order

To re-open a processed order (move it back to Approved):


  1. In AroFlo, go to Workflow Purchase Orders > Processed Purchase Orders.
  2. Select the Re-Open checkbox.
  3. Click Save Processed Processed Purchase Orders.