Project Substatuses

Learn how substatuses are used in projects and where they appear

Updated on June 3rd, 2024

Just like tasks and quotes can have substatuses, so too can projects. Substatuses can be used on the project's overall progress as well as on each stage.

This is a great way to check your progress at a glance without having to open the project to go through the details, especially for large projects with multiple stages.

By default, AroFlo comes with a range of project substatuses that can be used or changed in Site Administration as necessary.



Where can substatuses be viewed?

Project lists

Substatuses are included in the Workflow > Projects > Open and Closed list views, which can be filtered to make it easier to find particular projects of the same substatus. The substatus colours also make it easier to know how you're tracking with the overall status of projects.


View Project

When viewing a project, the overall substatus will be shown on the project header.


Project Progress

Stage substatuses can be seen in the Progress tab of a Project, when grouped into Stages. 



Editing substatuses

When viewing a project, click Edit Project towards the top right.

Overall substatus

From the Project Detail on the left, you can edit the project's overall substatus.


Stage substatus

From the Project Stages on the right:

  1. Click the (blue pencil) to edit a stage
  2. Select the substatus for that stage from the dropdown
  3. Update Stage
  4. Remember to Save your project.
When viewing the stage, the substatus will display.