Custom Permission Groups

Create custom groups based on staff roles or responsibilities and assign them to users

Updated on September 12th, 2024

Custom Permission groups let you control what users can see and do in AroFlo. You can create custom groups based on staff roles or responsibilities and assign them to users.

Custom permission groups may be based on a particular segment of AroFlo such as invoices, types of segments such as sales or part invoices, or individual fields and functions that appear within a segment such as invoice notes or print/email functions.

Permissions may be applied to:

  • Segments of AroFlo (e.g tasks, quotes, invoices)
  • Types of segments (e.g sales invoices, part invoices, progress invoices)
  • Fields and functions that appear within a segment (e.g notes, status, print/email functions)
  • Filters on segment list views (e.g. only show current tasks assigned or scheduled to user).


Create a custom permission group

To create a custom permission group:

  1. Go to Site Admin > Settings > General > Permission Groups. 

    Alternatively, you can create a new permission group directly from a user's profile.

  2. To create
    1. from an existing group: select a pre-built permission group (left panel) and click Save as new… (bottom right).
    2. from scratch: click
  3. Enter a name for the permission group.
  4. Click + Add Group.
  5. Click (cog icon) to configure permissions for the group.
  6. Enable/disable access options, types, fields, and/or filters as required for each segment (see information below).
  7. When complete, click Save Group.

Overall options

Icon/Checkbox Description
Edit the permission group name.



Apply an existing template to a new permission group.

  1. Create a new permission group.
  2. Click Apply Template.
  3. Select a template from the list.
  4. Click Use Template.
  5. Click Confirm to continue.
Archive a permission group.
Add a new permission group.
Import Permission Group
  • Reset Group - Remove all currently applied permissions.
  • Export - Export permission group (Not available for pre-built permission groups).



Lists the key segments or areas of the AroFlo system. Each segment provides the following access options:

  • List - controls the ability to view lists of items, e.g.: current task list, purchase order and invoice lists.
  • View - controls the ability to view/access individual items, e.g.: open a task, access print/email functions.
  • Create - controls the ability to create new items, e.g.: create a task, purchase order, invoice, etc.
  • Edit - controls the ability to edit individual items, e.g.: edit a task, invoice, notes, etc.
  • Delete - controls the ability to delete/archive/remove individual items, e.g.: delete a task, archive a client, or remove an asset.
All access options are enabled.
All access options are disabled.
Some access options are enabled.



Disable all access options for a segment.

In order to disable an entire segment of AroFlo, you will first need to disable all related fields within other segments. For example, if you wish to disable Assets, you will need to disable all Asset fields that appear in other segments such as Quotes and Tasks.


Displays the access options for the selected AroFlo segment on right-hand side of screen.



Access options, types, fields and filters

List of fields

Segment/Option Description
Access Options  Used to set permissions for the selected segment.
List Controls access to the segment's list view. For example, you may want to disable access to a current task list or invoice list.
View Controls the ability to view each item within the segment. For example, allows users to open and view the task or invoice details.
Create Controls the ability to create new items within the segment. For example, you may want to prevent users from creating new clients or tasks.
Edit Controls the ability to edit individual items within the segment. For example, you may want to prevent users from modifying task or invoice details.
Delete Controls the ability to delete or archive individual items from the segment.
Types Used to set permissions for specific types or areas of the selected segment.
List Controls access to specific types or areas of the segment's list view. For example, you may want to allow access to task invoices or sales invoices only.
View Controls the ability to view individual items within a specific type or area of the segment. For example, you may want to allow users to open and view task invoices or sales invoices only.
Create Controls the ability to create new items within a specific type or area of the segment. For example, you may want to allow users to create task invoices, but not sales invoices.
Edit Controls the ability to edit individual items within a specific type or area of the segment. For example, you may want to prevent users from modifying schedules on a task.
Delete Controls the ability to delete individual items within a specific type or area of the segment.
Filters Used to set filters for specific segment list views.


Estimated by User

Created by User

Only show quotes that have the user set as the 'Estimator'.

Only show quotes created by the current user.

When both quote filters are ticked, a user (in this permission group) will only see quotes that have them listed as the creator OR the estimator.



Labor Created By or Assigned to User

Assigned or Scheduled to User

Material Take Stock from User

Picklist in Field

Only allow editing of labor entries created by or assigned to the current user on a task.

Only show tasks assigned or scheduled to the current user.

If selected, will only show the current user, stock and custom holders in the

‘Take Stock From:’ dropdown list in Task Materials.

If selected, show tasks which are both unassigned and unscheduled. Field users can then assign and/or schedule themselves to these Tasks.

Purchase Orders:

Purchased by User

Only show purchase orders where the Resource shown matches the logged-in user.

Compliance Forms:

Created By or Assigned to User

Only show compliance forms created or assigned to the current user.


Current User

Only show the current user in the Users list.

Documents & Photos:

Manager Only

Admin Only

Only show documents and photos with Manager Only filter setting.

Only show documents and photos with Admin Only filter setting.


Manager Only

Admin Only

Only show notes with Manager Only filter setting.

Only show notes with Admin Only filter setting.


Tasks Assigned to User

Only show project tasks assigned to current user.

Compliance Forms:

Created By or Assigned to User

Only show compliance forms created by or assigned to current user.




Only show custom reports in the Reports Menu.

Only show standard reports in the Reports Menu.


Task Schedule Visibility Restriction

Visible Schedules

Only show schedules for a set number of days, as set in the 'Task Schedule Visibility' setting. Otherwise, let this user see all schedules into the future.

Only show visible schedules (and do not show those ticked with Hidden). Otherwise let this user see all schedules, including those which are hidden.

Event Messages:

Manager / Base / Admin Performer

Set this user to represent a performer. This is a temporary setting as AroFlo transitions to Permission Groups.
Fields  Used to set permissions to individual fields and functions available within a segment.
View Controls the ability to view fields or access functions within a segment. For example, you can reduce the number of fields on a task, or disable certain functions such as print or email.
Add Controls the ability to add items to a field. For example, you may want to allow users to add notes, but not documents and photos.
Edit Controls the ability to edit items within a field. For example, you may want to restrict users from editing descriptions and notes.
Remove Controls the ability to delete/archive/remove items within a field. For example, you may want to restrict users from deleting a task, archiving a client or removing an asset.


Disable a field

Certain actions such as view, add, edit and remove (delete or archive) can be disabled on fields and elements that appear within a segment.

Site Admin

  1. Go to Site Admin > Settings > General > Permission Groups
  2. Select a custom permission group
  3. Under Actions, click (cog icon) on a relevant area of AroFlo, e.g. Tasks.
  4. In the panel on the right, click Fields.
  5. Find the required field and select the action checkbox that you wish to disable.
  6. Click Save Group.
1. Tick or untick each area in order to see the changes on the task worksheet…
1. Tick or untick each area in order to see the changes on the task worksheet…


In AroFlo Office, you can see that the task worksheet changes to reflect the modifications made in the custom permission group.
A screenshot intended to compliment the screenshot preceding this one showing how changes to the permission group impact the task worksheet.
2. …the numbers represent where the changes you made in the first image would affect the task worksheet.
A screenshot intended to compliment the screenshot preceding this one showing how changes to the permission group impact the task worksheet.
2. …the numbers represent where the changes you made in the first image would affect the task worksheet.


Disable a segment

In order to disable an entire segment of AroFlo, you first need to disable all related fields within other segments before disabling the primary segment.

For example, if assets are not applicable to your business and you wish to disable this segment, you will first need to disable all asset-related fields that appear in other segments such as Quotes and Tasks before you can disable the entire assets segment.

  1. Go to Site Admin > Settings > General > Permission Groups.
  2. Follow the steps above for disabling related fields within other segments.
  3. Under Actions, click (eye icon).
  4. Click Save Group.


Disable a type of segment

Certain actions such as list, view, create, edit and delete can be disabled for different types of segments. For example, you can allow users to access a list and/or individual project invoices but restrict creation and editing.

  1. Go to Site Admin > Settings > General > Permission Groups.
  2. Under Actions, click (cog icon).
  3. In the panel on the right, click Types.
  4. Find the required Type and select the action checkbox that you wish to disable.
  5. Click Save Group.


Exporting and Importing Custom Permission Groups

Exporting and importing custom permission groups is useful if you have more than one AroFlo site, or if you need to store custom permission group data to later import it.


Export Permission Group

Pre-built permission groups cannot be exported

  1. Select a custom permission group from the left side of the screen
  2. Click the (three dots) icon at the top right and select Export.
  3. The data will download as a .txt file. The save location depends on your internet browser's settings.


    The name of the file will default to "exported-[name-of-permission-group]", but you can rename the file if you wish.



Import Permission Group

  1. Click the (download button).
  2. Browse your computer files and select the exported file.

    You cannot import a permission group with the same name as an existing one. If you want to overwrite an existing permission group, archive the original one before importing the new one.

    If you want to keep both permission groups, rename the original.

    See ‘Overall options’ in Create a custom permission group for help with any of these two things.


Pre-built Feature-based permission groups

See Feature-based permission groups for some pre-built permission groups that you can import.