Document Directory in AroFlo Office

Learn more about using the Document Directory in AroFlo Office

Updated on August 22nd, 2024

The document directory functionality is only available if you have Document Storage enabled for your AroFlo subscription.

To find out more or to activate this feature, please call AroFlo Customer Support or log a support request.


AroFlo's Document Directory is a repository for those documents and photos that you need to use regularly, e.g. terms and conditions, pricing schedules, info sheets, and product photos.

You can build a folder structure for easy access to your files, and you can easily add to your directory.

See Manage Documents and Photos for information on all other options for documents and photos including renaming, downloading, sharing, and setting document visibility.

The Document Directory is available from within any area that has the Documents & Photos tab:

  • Task worksheets
  • Quote worksheets
  • Invoices
  • Purchase Orders
  • Work Orders
  • Bills
  • RFQs
  • Compliance Forms
  • Checklist items
  • Expenses
  • Assets
  • Inventory items
  • User cards
  • Client cards

The Document Directory is for documents and photos that are not specific to a particular record (e.g. task, client).

To upload items specific to a particular record, see Manage Documents and Photos. Items uploaded to a specific record will remain only within that record; they will not appear in the Document Directory.



Upload files to the Document Directory

To upload files to the Document Directory, go to Manage > Documents.

  1. Click the folder you need or create a new folder.
  2. Click Add Documents & Photos then either:
    1. click Upload, to search and attach from your file system
    2. drag and drop files into the Drop Files Here box
    3. click Take Photo, to take a photo of the document and upload it automatically.
  3. Click Done.

Folder structure

See Document Folders for information on creating folders and sub-folders, and moving files to folders.



Attach a file from the Document Directory

To attach a Document Directory file to a record, such as a task:

  1. Open the record and go to the Documents & Photos tab.
  2. Click the arrow on the right of the Add Documents & Photos button and select Document Directory.
  3. Highlight the file you want and click Select Document (see image).

    Clicking on the document name opens a preview or copy of the file. To highlight the file, click on any field other than the document name.

  4. click X to close the window then click Save Documents.

Deleting Documents

If you no longer require a document in the directory, click the (red trash can) > OK.


Archiving Documents

If a document from the directory has been attached somewhere, e.g. uploaded to a task, compliance form, or linked to a compliance form template, you won't be able to delete the document and you'll see the error message on the right:

If this happens, archive the document:

  1. Click (columns displayed) and tick Archive > Ok
  2. Click the tickbox in the Archive column
  3. Save Documents.

View archived documents

To display archived documents, select Archived from the dropdown box at the top right.


Alternatively, if the document has been uploaded to a task, click the View Task link, delete the document from the task, and Save, return to this screen and you'll be able to delete the document from the directory.