Add Layout Elements - Overview

Learn how to add layout elements to your print layouts in AroFlo Office

Updated on July 22nd, 2024

The Toolbox on the right of a layout provides a range of graphical and data elements that can be added to a layout with a click. You can drag each element to a suitable location on the layout.

This section includes graphical elements and design tools such as text labels, boxes, lines and images.

Element Description
Text Label Insert hard-coded text within the layout, for example, a table heading.
Box A design element used for creating borders.
Line A design element used for breaking up sections of the layout.
Image Upload static images such as a logo.
Barcode Insert barcodes such as payment QR codes or asset and inventory barcodes.
Footer Footer element used for creating the bottom section of the invoice such as an invoice summary and remittance details.
Terms & Conditions Used for creating a separate section for terms and conditions.