Add Signatures to Layout

Learn how to add signatures to your printed layouts in AroFlo Office

Updated on July 27th, 2024

Electronic signatures that have been captured against quotes, tasks, purchase orders, supplier quotes, invoices, timesheets and compliance forms can be included on a layout.

Some examples of uses:

  • Include client approval signatures on job sheets or invoice layouts.
  • Include employee signatures on weekly timesheet records.
  • Include employee and/or client signatures on compliance forms.


Add signature elements

The following instructions show you how to add signature elements to a layout:

  1. Preview your preferred layout and click Customise.
  2. Click Static Data.
  3. Click the relevant menu under Static Data i.e. Invoice Details.
  4. Use the search box at the top to find the signature element you need.
  5. Click the signature element to add it to the layout. You will find the element you've just selected in the top left corner of the layout.
  6. Click the element and drag it to where you want it to appear on the layout

    - You can also add a signature date and time stamp element to appear underneath the signature image.
    - A series of signature labels can be configured in Site Admin. Refer to Signature Labels for setup instructions.

  7. Use the Properties box (located on your right) to set a width and height for the signature element.

    If a width and height is not set, the signature images will not convert correctly when printing to PDF.

  8. Click Save/Remove, enter a new name for the layout (if required) and click Save As.
  9. To preview the layout, click Preview/Customise, then Preview.


Example layouts with signatures