View Timesheets

Learn how to view existing timesheet entries and add new entries

Updated on July 8th, 2024

Table of Contents

The Timesheets area can be used to view existing timesheet entries and to add new entries.

To view timesheets, go to Manage > Timesheet. The Daily View will be displayed.

View task information

Users can quickly access task information by clicking the RefJob No or Task name on a task or expense entry. This makes it easier to reconcile task labor and expense entries.


Permission Groups

Any user can view their own timesheets. Managers and Supervisors can also view timesheets for other users.

Custom permission groups

Site Administrators can enable this access for those in custom permission groups via:

  • Permission Groups > [Select permission group] > Users > Filters > Current User (set to unticked)
  • Permission Groups > [Select permission group] > Timesheets > Fields > Users > View (set to ticked)
  • Permission Groups > [Select permission group] > Task > Filters > Labour Created by or Assigned to User (set to unticked)


Timesheet Views

You can change the timesheet view using the dropdown menu on the top right.

Views include the following options:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Weekly by Day
  • Monthly

The Daily View and Weekly View can also be used to approve timesheets.


Work Types Displayed

The Weekly View and Weekly by Day View will adjust the work type columns based on the work types recorded in that week (e.g. Normal Time, Time & a Half, Double Time).






Weekly By Day








Weekly By Day

