Edit Timesheets

Learn how to edit timesheet entries in AroFlo Field

Updated on May 31st, 2024

Edit a Daily Timesheet Entry

To edit or delete a Daily Timesheet entry:

  1. From the Main Menu, tap Timesheet.
  2. Use the arrows or the calendar button to select the date of the entry you want to edit.
  3. Tap (pencil icon) to open the timesheet entry you want to edit. 

    Don't see the pencil icon?

    This means the timesheet has been approved or verified and can no longer be edited. The approval or verification would need to be reversed to allow for changes. See Approve daily timesheets and Weekly Timesheet for more information.

    Show example

    In this image, the: 
    Closed padlock means the timesheet has been approved for the day. 
    Signature icon means the timesheet has been approved for the week 
    Shield means weekly verification has been completed.
  4. Make the required changes and Save, or tap (red delete button) to remove the entry.


Edit a Weekly Timesheet Entry

To edit or delete a Weekly Timesheet entry:

  1. From the Main Menu, tap Timesheet.
  2. Tap Weekly. The current week shows. To change to a different week, tap the left and right arrows beside the date.
  3. Tap the down arrow on the day you need.
  4. On the entry you want to change, tap (pencil icon).
  5. Make the required changes and Save, or tap  (delete button) to remove the entry.