Reporting Essentials

Learn the basics of AroFlo's standard reports

Updated on July 5th, 2024

To get you started with reporting, AroFlo comes with a range of standard reports available to you.

This page will run you through how to access these, as well as show a couple of options for both standard reports and custom reports.

Copy report URL

Easily copy a report's URL for easy access and use this in places like the Message Board, or in a recurring calendar meeting.



Run a standard report

To run one of AroFlo's standard reports:

  1. From the main menu, click Reports.
  2. Select which report area you want, e.g. Invoices, Projects, Inventory.
  3. Click the name of the report you want to run.

It's that easy. You can customize the report that appears and save it for future use. See Create a Custom Report.

Report update frequency

AroFlo's dedicated reporting server takes a snapshot of your data every few minutes and uses that data when running your reports. If you make a change immediately before running a report, it may take a few minutes for the change to be reflected.



Export a report

Reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel, CSV, PDF, HTML, XML or Microsoft Word format.

Select an export option from the bottom right of the report screen. Reports with groups collapsed can only be exported with all groups collapsed, or all groups expanded.

Alternatively, why not create a periodic report? See Create a Custom Report - Save as Periodic Report.


Exporting to Microsoft Excel

In some cases, Microsoft Excel may not display your data as you would expect. This is due to rules within Excel, and is beyond our control.

  • If you experience cell formatting issues: try exporting a .CSV file to open in Excel.
  • If you experience layout issues: try exporting an .XLS or HTML file to open in Excel.
  • When a cell has more data than Excel allows, AroFlo will include as much data as possible, followed by "...".

When exporting to Excel, formatting such as bullets, fonts, and colors is lost. If you want to retain such formatting in exported reports, export to HTML; you will then be able to open the report in any format, including Excel and Word.


View as a chart

Use the chart options at the top of the report to view a graphical representation of the data within your report.

To enable chart options on a report:

  1. Go to the Advanced tab.
  2. Select Show Grouping Line Count.
  3. Click Refresh Report.
  4. Click to display the data as either a bar or line chart .

Check boxes displayed
The checkboxes displayed on the chart will depend on the fields you've selected in your report and how you've set your data to be grouped. Click the checkboxes to sort your data accordingly.


Viewing charts for standard reports
If you want to view charts for standard reports, we recommend you save your report as a custom report, saving you from repeating the above steps each time.