Quotes List in AroFlo Office

Learn how to manage your quotes in AroFlo Office

Updated on October 11th, 2024

You can manage all Quotes from Workflow Quotes.

This screen defaults to Quotes that are marked as 'In Progress', so you can see quotes that are currently being worked on.


Page Features

The Manage Quotes page includes some features to help manage your quotes. Learn more about filtering by quote status in section below.

How to use it
Search for Quotes

Search for quotes by entering at least three characters. Use the dropdown to select specific fields (e.g. Quote Name, Ref No, Job No, Client).

Filter by Business Unit

Only available if you have access to multiple Business Units.

  • This Business Unit Only - Only displays quotes that are part of the selected business unit.
  • Include Child Business Units - Displays quotes that are part of the selected business unit, as well as child business units. An additional Owner heading field will display.
  • Include All Business Units - Displays quotes for all business units. An additional Owner heading field will display.

Owner heading field

Email multiple quotes

The email feature lets you attach multiple quotes to one email and send them to a recipient. Learn more about sending an email.

Default Ordering

You can reorder the columns by clicking and dragging the column headers. Click (Default Ordering) if you want to return to the default AroFlo order.

Sort by column
Click any column heading to sort the list (ascending or descending) by that column.
Filter by Substatus

Click the magnifying glass next to the word Substatus to filter for quotes with particular substatuses.

Preview Panel

Click the preview button (or a blank space within a row) to reveal a Quote Preview with information about a Quote. The preview displays essential quote information without accessing the whole Quote Worksheet.

Create Quote

Click to Create a Quote.


Manage by Status

All quotes have a quote status and acceptance status to help you keep track of progress and approvals. Use the dropdown on the right to filter your results by status.

Filter by Quote Status

All quotes have a quote status, designed as the internal status. Use this dropdown to filter your results by quote status.

In Progress Quotes being built and not yet ready.
Pending Approval Quotes that are ready but require internal sign-off or review.
Approved Quotes approved internally.
Void / Rejected Quotes that will not go ahead.
Show All All quotes regardless of status.

Filter by Acceptance Status

Approved quotes have an acceptance status, designed as the external status to track client approval. Use the dropdown to filter your results by acceptance status.

Acceptance Status
Not Sent Quotes approved internally but not sent to the client.
Awaiting Decision Quotes sent and awaiting a response.
Need More Information Quotes where the client has requested clarification or additional detail.
Accepted Quotes that have been accepted by the client.
Declined Quotes that have been declined by the client.

Acceptance Expiry

If an acceptance expiry has been set for a quote that is awaiting a decision, a clock will display to indicate this. If the acceptance has expired, the clock will display in red. Hover over the clock to show more info.


Manage Unsuccessful Quotes

On occasion, you may want to clear the quotes that did not proceed. You can do this by rejecting quotes in bulk or deleting individual quotes.

Reject multiple quotes

You can reject multiple quotes that are either In Progress or Pending Approval. This lets you quickly update a large volume of quotes to be rejected. 

  1. Click Bulk Void / Reject.
  2. Tick the checkbox on the right for each quote, or tick the checkbox in the top header to select all displayed quotes.
  3. Click Void / Reject Selected, at the bottom of the list and confirm.

Delete a Quote

Quotes are deleted in much the same way as tasks. See Delete a Task or Quote for more information