Subscribe Calendar to a Third Party Program

Learn how to set up a subscription to a third party calendar for AroFlo schedules

Updated on July 11th, 2024

This option allows you to send Task, Overhead and Ad-hoc events from your AroFlo calendar to a third-party calendar such as an Outlook, Office 365, Apple, Google* or Android calendar.

  • Receive schedule reminders via your device.
  • Managers can view their team members' AroFlo scheduled events on their own device.

*If subscribing to Google Calendar, you may want to follow the instructions given in Google Calendar Sync, as that method gives you instant updates. Using the method described below can result in delays of up to a day, due to the way Google Calendar operates.

About calendar syncing

  • Update frequency: Third-party calendar programs request data from the AroFlo calendar at times determined by the third-party calendar settings (e.g. from once per minute to once per day). For performance reasons, AroFlo is set to only respond to third-party calendar requests once every 15 minutes.
  • One-way link: AroFlo calendar entries can only be changed in AroFlo, not in a third-party calendar. The third-party calendar receives data from AroFlo but does not send data back.
  • Crew schedules: If a user is part of a crew, tasks scheduled to that crew will not show on the third-party calendar.


To subscribe to a third-party calendar program:

  1. Go to Manage > Users to open your User Details card.
  2. Scroll down and click on the Calendar Subscription tab.

    Access Levels

    There are three levels of access to the Calendar Subscription feature:

    Full access: users can select the types of events and how much calendar history will display on their third-party calendar.
    Partial access: a Site Administrator sets the types of events and how much history will display on a user's third-party calendar.
    No access: users have no access to the calendar subscription feature and will not see the Calendar Subscription tab in their user card.

    To request a change to your access level, contact your Site Administrator.

    Site Administrators can go to Restrict Calendar Subscription for instructions.

    Full access

    Users with full access will see the following options:


    Partial access

    Users with partial access will see the following field:

  3. For users with full access:
    1. tick the event types you want to see in your third-party calendar. Refer to General Settings for information on event types.
    2. select how much calendar history should display on the third-party calendar. You can have up to 3 months' worth of history showing at any time, i.e. entries older than 3 months will be removed from the third-party calendar.
  4. For users with:
    1. full access, click Generate Link and then click the (copy) button to copy the link that appears.
    2. partial access, the link will already be present; just click (copy).


Click the relevant link below and follow the instructions given by the third-party calendar providers.

Instructions from third-party calendar providers

As the instructions in the links below are from third-party providers, we have no control over them. We've included the links for your convenience, and they were current as at 11/10/2022.


Google Calendar


Apple iCloud

(for all Apple devices)


Yahoo Calendar


Outlook Calendar on Desktop

If you're using Outlook on a desktop:

  1. Click the (calendar icon).
  2. Click Home
  3. Click Add
  4. Select From Internet...
  5. Paste the AroFlo link into the field that appears.
  6. Click OK.

For third-party calendars not listed, start by going to the calendar Settings and look for an option like 'Share calendar' or 'Sync with other calendar'. There should be a field you can paste the AroFlo link into. Set any options, such as how often the calendar should update (Remember: 15-minute minimum).


Schedule details

The information sent to a third-party calendar program is based on the header and schedule label settings for the user's AroFlo calendar, as well as the task location and GPS coordinates. For more information on schedule and header labels, see Schedule Labels.


Restrict third-party calendars

Site Administrators can authorise access to third-party calendars by altering a user's access permissions. Refer to Restrict Calendar Subscription.