Backflow prevention devices reduce the risk of contaminating the water supply. All connections to water mains must have suitable backflow containment.
Licensed plumbers are required to assess each site to work out its specific backflow containment needs. They must advise the property owner of the backflow requirements and install a backflow prevention device appropriate to the property's hazard rating. They must also tell the owner if the device needs to be tested each year.
Only licensed plumbers with backflow prevention accreditation issued by a registered training organisation can inspect, commission and test backflow devices. Completed backflow test reports must be lodged with the local water authority.

Requirements |
How can I achieve this in AroFlo? |
Work must be performed by an accredited backflow plumber. | Use Certifications to record details of qualifications and certifications for Technicians and Sub-Contractors and link certification requirements to Clients. |
Test the backflow prevention device (BFPD). | Use Assets to record the BFPD against the Client and track its entire service history. |
Complete and submit a backflow test report to the Water Authority. |
Use Compliance Custom Forms to create an electronic version of the report which your Technician can easily access, complete and email from the Field Interface. |
Charge a fixed price for annual testing. | Use an SOR Inventory Item to create a fixed price item called ‘BFPD Annual Testing’ that can be added to the invoice, whilst maintaining the actual costs of labour and materials booked on the job. |
BFPD must be tested annually. | Use a Periodic Template to automate the creation of regular maintenance tasks and include the relevant asset and the compliance forms required for the job. |