Create an AroConnect Work Order

Learn how to build an AroConnect work order and get it ready to send to your contractor

Updated on July 27th, 2024

When raising a work order to send to contractors, there are two possible scenarios:

  • You want the entire request for work to be outsourced to one or more contractors
  • You only want certain aspects of the job to be contracted, e.g. you're supplying the materials but you want a contractor to provide the labour.

Similar to purchase orders, you can either raise a work order from a particular task, or raise a work order and link a task to it.

It is recommended that you have an understanding of how a task works in AroFlo before attempting to use the work order feature. You cannot create a work order without a task attached.




What would you like to learn about?

How do I create a Work Order?

Create a Request for a Specific Task

To outsource an existing task in AroFlo, create a work order from the task.

The task could be an incoming work order that you've received.

  1. Open the Task.
  2. Click Work Orders.
  3. Click Create Order (top right).

Create a Work Order and Link a Task

You can create a work order via the Create menu and then link the task to it.

The quickest way to do this is:

  1. From the main menu, click Create.
  2. Click Work Order.

Alternative methods

You can also create a work order from a Work Order list:

  1. From the main menu, click Workflow.
  2. Click Work Orders.
  3. Select a list of work orders from the Work Order Menu, for example: In Progress Work Orders.
  4. Click Create Order.

Alternatively, click Create from Workflow > Work Orders, or Workflow > Work Orders > Create.





How do I fill out the Work Order details?

Enter order details

  1. Edit the resource in the Ordered By field if necessary. This is used to take note of who is responsible for the order.
  2. Start typing the Contractor name and select from the search results, or use the (magnifier) to search and select from your contractor list.

    This list will display suppliers with a Type of 'Contractor'. See Edit Supplier Details. You will know if you are connected to this contractor in AroConnect as the logo will appear next to their name.

  3. (Optional) If your contractor has multiple locations, enter the Contractor Location or use the (magnifier) to search and select from the location list.
  4. If you haven't created a work order from a task, select the Task this work order relates to by using the (magnifier) and selecting from the list.
  5. The Date Created and Required By Date & Time are auto-populated with the current date and time. Edit the Required By Date & Time if necessary.
  6. Enter or edit your Description of the work that needs to be performed.

    - The task description will transfer over to your work order. Edit this if necessary.
    - If you regularly use the same descriptions, why not use a Description Template?

  7.  Save.

Task Address
If creating a work order from a task, the Task Address will be displayed prior to saving your work order for the first time. If you created your work order from scratch and selected the applicable task, the Task Address will be displayed after you save the work order.


Change Task
If you need to choose a different task for the work order, click Task to unlock the field and either type in the field or click (magnifier) to search.



Adding labour and materials

The next step is adding materials and labour to the work order. Make sure to only record items you are outsourcing

When adding line items to your work order, only record goods or services to be provided. For example, if you want a contractor to supply all materials and labour for a job, enter the materials and the labour on the work order. If you're supplying the materials, only add labour to your work order.

Items added to a work order (labour and materials) will automatically be added to the task the work order is linked to once the work order has been saved. On the work order, this is visible in the Task Quantity column, and from the task worksheet, this is visible within the Labour and Material sections.

What if my task quantities are zero?

If your task quantities are zero once you've saved your items, this means the setting Automatically add new items to task has been turned off in Site Administration. If you want these job costs to be included on the task, you'll need to edit the Task Quantity value either from here or from the Task. See the above links.


Tax exclusive or inclusive pricing
By default, unit prices are treated as tax exclusive. If you want to use tax inclusive pricing, click the Tax Inc. checkbox in the work order summary area before adding items.


How do I add labour pricing to my work order?

  1. Click Add Line Item
  2. Enter a description for the work to be performed, or use a line item Description Template.

    You can also select a Work Order Description by using the dropdown for description type inside the Search Description Templates dialogue.

  3. (Optional) Enter a part number.
  4. Enter the number of hours for the Quantity Ordered. Alternatively, use the (blue arrow) to insert your start and finish times (if known) to calculate the number of hours.
  5. Adjust your costs if necessary.

Labour rates:

When adding a Labour line item to the Work Order, the rate of your labour is determined by the following hierarchy:

- Contractor labour rates, which are set on the supplier card.
- The default labour rates for work orders, set in Site Administration for the owning business unit (i.e. the one used when creating the work order)
- The default labour rates for work orders, set in Site Administration for the top-level business unit.

If no default labour rates have been set, you'll need to manually enter your labour costs.


Quoted labour

If your quote contained labour line items, you can add these to the work order using the Quoted Items function. See below.


How do I add material pricing to my Work Order?

Adding materials

There are a few ways materials can be added to a work order. Click the relevant tab below to find out more about each way.

Ad hoc line items

To add a new line for ordering items that are not in your inventory list:

  1. Click Add Line Item.
  2. Select Mat for Type.
  3. Complete the fields including a description, quantity, and part number if applicable, and update your costs.

Click Save to complete.



  1. Click Multi-Search and select Inventory.
  2. Find your items by entering a keyword into the Item field at the top of the Search Inventory window, or by going through your Inventory categories.

    Header columns

    Click the columns button to add additional searchable columns to the header.

  3. Click an item to select it, or click the checkbox on the left hand side. You will notice the selected items appear on the work order (using the listed cost price).

    Show me

  4. Close the Search Inventory window once all items have been added.
  5. Enter the required quantity into the Quantity Ordered field for all line items (see image).


To order items within an assembly (a list or kit of items):

  1. Click Multi-Search and select Assemblies.
  2. Use the filters at the top of the Search Assembly Lists box to find the relevant assembly, or search through your Inventory List categories.
  3. To add an entire assembly to the order, click Select Header in the top right of the Search Inventory window, or, add individual items within an assembly by double-clicking each item.
  4. Close the Search Assembly Lists window once all items have been added.
  5. Enter the required quantity into the Quantity Ordered field on the assembly header (see GIF).
  6. Click Save.

Delete assembly

To delete an assembly from your work order, click the (red trash can with three lines) in the assembly header.


Task Specific Lists

Click Multi-Search > Task Specific Lists to add these to your work order.

You'll have the option to Select Header, like we saw in Assemblies.

Remember to Save.


Quotes Items

If the task linked to your work order was created from an approved quote, click Quoted Items to bring up the items from your quote. All you need to do then is enter the quantities you want to add to your order in the Quantity Ordered fields, or simply click the Add All checkbox, then Save.

Quoted labour

If your quote contained labour line items, you can add these to the work order using this method. (See image)





Line item fields explained





Cost Ex


Used to record the unit cost of the item, excluding tax.




Click the (red rubbish bin) to delete the line item.


In Inv.


In Inventory indicates the item is included in your Inventory.




The Item name / description.


Part No


The part number of the item.


Qty Billed


Quantity of items that have been billed for.


Qty Ord.


View or record the quantity of items or labour hours used for this work order.

Start and finish times

For labour entries, you have the option to insert your start and finish times (if known). Click the (blue arrow) to expand this field and enter your start/finish times to populate the number of labour hours.


Task Qty


The quantity of items used on the job.

Automatically add new items to task

Work order items and associated costs are automatically added to Task Materials. For more information, see Work Order Settings.




Select the appropriate Tax Code from the list.


Total Ex


The Total value (excluding tax). If updated, the system will back calculate the unit Cost Ex. value based on Qty Ordered.


Tracking Centre


Link an existing Tracking Centre to help categorise or group items for reporting purposes.




Line Item Type






















What to do next

Once you've finished creating your work order and have added all your labour and materials, the next step is to approve it and then send your order to your contractor. See Sending and Receiving AroConnect Work Orders.