AroConnect FAQ

Check out the answers to some frequently asked questions surrounding AroConnect

Updated on July 27th, 2024

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General AroConnect Questions

Does AroConnect support compliance forms?

  • Yes! AroFlo supports transmission of required compliance forms to your contractors where they have those forms in their system or not.

AroConnect Workflow Questions

What will the default task type be when the contractor accepts an AroConnect work order?

Can I modify the work order once it has been sent?

  • Work orders can be withdrawn, and in the event that additional items have been added to a bill, you'll be notified of this by an icon next to the item itself.

What information comes through to my task worksheet from an AroConnect work order I have accepted?

  • When the task is created from an accepted work order, the Location, Task Identification, Customer Order number (which is the Work Order number) and Description will be used in the creation of it. The work order will also be linked in the header of the task for you to quickly refer to if necessary.

Sending or Receiving an AroConnect Invoice

Can I resend invoices to my clients?

  • Yes. Doing this will create a second bill in your client's AroFlo with the amendments you have made.

Does Cus. Invoiced get ticked when I send an invoice to my client?

  • Not currently. This is normally ticked by AroFlo when the invoice email is sent; however, we are currently working on ticking this automatically when the invoice is sent through AroConnect to your client. In the meantime, feel free to tick this prior to sending the invoice to your client.