Supplier List

Learn how to manage suppliers in AroFlo Office

Updated on January 25th, 2024

To access your supplier list, go to Accounts > Suppliers.

From here, click on either the Supplier name to access the Supplier Card or the Primary Contact to open the contact card.

You can also use the View and Create menus to:

  • View purchase orders, bills, credit notes, tasks, contacts, locations, reports and certifications for each supplier.
  • Create a purchase order, credit note, location, or contact against a supplier.

Reorder list columns

Each of the columns within the list can be reordered to suit your preference by clicking and dragging a column heading and moving it across the page. AroFlo will save this order.

To reset the column order, click the (A-Z button), on the top right of the list.



Searching for suppliers, locations and contacts

If you have a large supplier list, you can search for suppliers, locations and contacts using keywords. Use the filter settings to extend the areas for an even deeper search.

To optimise global search:

  1. Click the (three lines).
  2. Enable additional search areas as required.

    If your site has multiple business units, you can enable Full Company Search to search for suppliers across your entire company.

  3. Click Save Filters.

Your global search filter settings are stored within your browser. These same settings will be applied whenever you use the global search fields throughout AroFlo Office.


Other options

Create Supplier

Click Create Supplier to create a supplier.

You can also create a supplier via Create > Supplier, or Accounts > Suppliers > Create main menu options.


Active/Archived filter

Toggle between active and archived suppliers by clicking the down arrow on this filter.


Bulk import suppliers

To easily import suppliers, click the icon to use the Import Assistant. You can also upload a file instead if you wish. See Import Assistant.



Other things you can do with suppliers

Set a supplier to 'Do Not Trade'

You can flag suppliers that you no longer want to use or work with by setting their trading terms to 'Do Not Trade'.

Click the supplier name to open the supplier card. More on editing suppliers.

When a 'Do Not Trade' supplier is selected on a purchase order, request for quote, credit note or inventory item, a warning message (Office) or a red 'Do Not Trade' banner (Field) will appear.

See Transaction Terms for more information about transaction terms and coloured banners.


Record certifications

Certifications are qualifications and/or training employees may have. Adding certifications to a supplier is ideal if you have specific needs when purchasing items from them, e.g. working with chemicals, or dangerous materials.

Whilst Certifications can be viewed via the Supplier list and Supplier Card via the View button, they must be added and deleted via Workflow > Compliance > Certifications.

For more information, see Certifications.