Client and Supplier Fields

Learn what client and supplier information you can enter in AroFlo

Updated on July 27th, 2024

The client and supplier fields listed below can be imported into AroFlo.

  • Any headings in your file do not have to match the field name we have in AroFlo. (E.g. Your file may have 'given name' and AroFlo has 'first name')
  • If a field you require is not shown, you can add custom fields in AroFlo before starting your import.

AroFlo comes with a pre-built Training Client and Training Supplier so you can see a completed client or supplier card for reference.




Client / Supplier Name Company/Business name. *Required field
Primary Contact First Name First name of your contact person at that business. *Required field
Primary Contact Last Name Last name of your contact person at that business. *Required field
ABN Client's ABN
Client Note A generic message which appears on the client card e.g. ‘Ensure invoices are sent to accounts’
Client Short Name Short name for client (max. 6 characters)
Email Primary contact person's email address
Fax Client's primary fax number
Mobile Phone Primary contact person's mobile phone number
Parent Client Name of the Parent Client (if applicable). This client will be added as a Child Client.
Phone Primary contact person's phone number
Terms Note Information relating to client's trading terms
Transaction Terms

Transaction terms for this client as per Site Admin (e.g. 30 Days)

Import values

Check how AroFlo formats this data by going to Create > Client. Check the 'Terms' dropdown menu to see the options available.

Website Client's primary website
City Client's location suburb
Company Address Client's location street address (No. and street)
Company Location Name Client's location name (e.g. Level 8 Building 1)
Country Client's location country
Postcode Client's location postcode
State Client's location state
GPS - Latitude GPS Coordinates - Latitude
GPS - Longitude GPS Coordinates - Longitude
Is Individual?

A checkbox to specify if your client is an individual (e.g. domestic work for a homeowner)

Import values

The Individual field can have the values '1', 'yes', 'y', 't', 'true', 'on', 'checked', 'filled', or 'individual'.

Mailing Address Client's mailing street address (No. and street or PO Box)
Mailing City Client's mailing suburb
Mailing Country Client's mailing country
Mailing Location Name Client's mailing location name (e.g. Level 8 Building 1)
Mailing Postcode Client's mailing postcode
Mailing State Client's mailing state