Calendar Navigation

Learn how to work in the calendar in AroFlo Office

Updated on January 15th, 2025

When you open the calendar, it will automatically display the current day, week, or month, depending on the default view that you have configured in your calendar settings. There are a range of options within the calendar that allow you to quickly jump to the date you need, and display:

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The table below describes the navigation available within the AroFlo calendar.


Once you've created some views, this button will show the name of the selected view. For example:


Allows you to configure and save a range of calendar views for different areas of your business. For example, you may have a Staff view, a Contractors view, and an Assets view, or you may have a different view for each business unit.

Altering the calendar settings without saving them to a view will mean that when you navigate away from the calendar, your changes will not be kept. To keep your settings, you must either create a view to save them in or edit an existing view. See Save a calendar view.


Takes you to the calendar settings.

Allows you to select the users, assets, or crews that should appear on your calendar view.

Allows you to apply a range of filters to the events that appear on the calendar. You can filter by task type, priority, location, and more.

(square with arrow icon)

Opens the calendar in a new tab, to provide more screen space to work with and also to allow for multi-tasking within other areas of AroFlo.

(circular arrows icon)

Refreshes the calendar to show events (e.g. tasks, overheads) that you or another user have added to the calendar.

(outside arrows)

Moves the calendar view backwards or forwards 1 week in the daily and weekly views, and 6 months in the monthly view.

(inside arrows)

Moves the calendar view backwards or forwards 1 day in the daily and weekly views, and 1 month in the monthly view.
Returns the calendar view to the current day.

(calendar icon)

Opens the calendar date picker, which allows you to quickly display any date within the next six months.

  • Click and drag to select several days or weeks in a row.
  • Select a range of non-consecutive dates by holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard (CMD key on Macs) while you click the dates within the calendar date picker. This allows you to see jobs that have been scheduled over a series of non-consecutive days.

Click the icon a second time to close the date picker.

Select the view type for your calendar. See Calendar View Types for more information.

The calendar displays the current time as a highlighted horizontal bar on the current day. The color of the bar will vary depending on the theme of the Office interface.

The gray-shaded section represents times outside of working hours.

Hours of Work

Hours of Work are set up in Site Admin, under Timesheets.


Click the green plus icon to open the calendar shortcuts:

Option Description
Add Task to Schedule Select a task and drag it onto the calendar to schedule.
See drag and drop scheduling.
Create Task A shortcut to create a task.
Create Client A shortcut to create a client.
View Resource Zones View your resource zones.