Configure SPF and DKIM Records

Learn how to configure your SPF and DKIM records to send email in AroFlo

Updated on August 12th, 2024

Table of Contents

In order for emails to be better recognized and avoid spam filters, our email server needs to be authorized to send email for your domain.

In order to do this, you will need to update the SPF and DKIM entries on your DNS server.

The setup of SPF and DKIM records must be completed by your domain administrator.

If you do not manage your own DNS Zone files, please send your IT Administrator a link to this page and ask them to configure the SPF and DKIM records on your DNS server.

Send this page link to IT Admin

The DKIM record is long and complicated and must be copy/pasted exactly. A screenshot or photograph of this page will likely not provide all the information required by your IT Admin.



SPF record

If you don't yet have an SPF record, you'll want to add one for your domain. 
At a minimum, the value should be the following if you're only sending mail through AroFlo for that domain:

v=spf1 ~all

If you already have a TXT record with SPF information, you'll need to add the AroFlo servers to that record by adding in the record (before the last operator, which is usually ?all, ~all, or -all).


The SPF record type was removed from the DNS standard and so these should be entered as TXT records.



DKIM record

Unique Settings per Domain

These settings are purely EXAMPLES and should NOT be used as your actual DKIM record. Please check for the actual record required from within AroFlo


Check the settings displayed in AroFlo and add a new TXT record with the name shown which may be something like:, or (replace with the domain you're setting up).

The value for the record should be shown in AroFlo and will be similar to the one listed below.

With semicolons unescaped:

k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDGHHuJSMq3AswCAFqJbedGhxIlCnLSjw6HoN1fpWveu9W2jSSBpTppOOCq/Q345senaHt5iGjBpXhZ5Q5huAbsPHmp3qYO6aaOnJIj9xXtVnh+8GaMyBYVg0Ays+QPR1+B/9P4WAFXJ/d5BENmuaqW7EZ9EY4+khteSV9zT1EBnwIDAQAB


CNAME record

A new CNAME record is required if you would like to track the status of any emails you send from AroFlo.

Host Name