Import & Order Groundplan Quantities

Export your Quantities list from Groundplan and import it into your AroFlo quote

Updated on April 29th, 2024

Once you've finalised your Groundplan quantities, you can import them into an AroFlo quote and then order the items you need via an AroFlo purchase order.


Download quantities from Groundplan

  1. In your Groundplan project, click the AroFlo tab. 

    You can make any last-minute changes to the Value, Sell and Unit Rate (Hrs) fields on this tab.

  2. Click Download CSV File.
  3. Click Save File > OK

Import quantities to AroFlo

  1. In AroFlo, open the quote you want to upload the Groundplan quantities to.
  2. Click Bulk Import and select the file you want to upload. It will most likely be in your Downloads folder.
  3. On the Bulk Data Import window, click Use Template against the template named 'Groundplan - Default Template'.

    Use Template

  4. Click Import > Yes. AroFlo confirms that the items have been imported into your quote. If there are any issues shown in the Issues column, please see Bulk Import: Troubleshooting.

    Issues column


Once the items have been imported to your AroFlo quote, you can make any changes you need to. When you're happy with your quote, save it and send it to your client, as you normally would.



Order Groundplan Quantities via AroFlo

Once your client has approved your quote:

  1. Set the quote Status to Approved.
  2. Click View Task (lower middle) to go to the linked task.
  3. Click Purchase Orders > Create Order > Quoted Items. The items you imported from Groundplan will appear.

See Create a Purchase Order for more information.