Asset Types

Learn how to control your asset custom fields with Asset Types

Updated on September 6th, 2024

As well as classifying your assets, Asset Types let you specify:

This is great when you need some custom fields to appear on all your assets, and other custom fields to only appear on specific assets.

Custom fields on asset cards


Task asset fields


Here's how it works:

  • Create your asset types, as shown in the instructions below
  • For asset cards:
    • Create your asset custom fields and link to the asset types you want them to appear on,
    • or for existing custom fields, link your asset types to them.
  • For assets added to tasks:
    • Create your task asset fields and link them to the asset types you want them to appear on for tasks,
    • or for existing task asset custom fields, link your asset types to them.

Permission Groups
All pre-built permisson groups (and custom groups with permission) have access to view Asset Types on an Asset.

Custom Permissions

Site Administrators can enable viewing of Asset Types via Permission Groups > Assets > Fields > Asset Types > View (set to ticked)



Create an asset type

To create your asset types:

  1. In Site Admin, go to Settings.
  2. Scroll to or search for Assets.
  3. Click Asset Types.
  4. Click Add Asset Type.
  5. Complete the Asset Type and Description fields.
  6. Click Save Asset Types.

Asset Types in AroFlo Field

Asset Types are displayed in AroFlo Field in the following areas:

Task Overview (if primary asset)


Task Assets list


Searching Assets


Asset Card



Create an asset custom field

Refer to Custom Fields.


To link a custom field to an asset type:

  1. In Site Admin, go to Settings.
  2. Scroll to or search for Assets.
  3. Click Custom Fields.
  4. In the Asset Type column, click All Asset Types.
  5. Click the checkboxes to select the asset types this custom field should appear on.
  6. Click X to close the Search Asset Types window.
  7. Save Asset Custom Fields.

You can link multiple asset types to each custom field. The 'All Asset Types' button changes to 'Asset Types (X)', where 'X' is the number of asset types linked.


Once you've linked your custom fields and asset types, you can click Update Custom Fields on All Assets to easily apply your changes to all your asset cards at once. Alternatively, you can open individual asset cards and click Update Custom Fields.



Create a task asset field

Refer to Task Asset Fields.


To link an existing task asset field to an asset type:

  1. In Site Admin, go to Settings.
  2. Scroll to or search for Assets.
  3. Click Task Asset Custom Fields.
  4. In the Asset Type column, click All Asset Types.
  5. Click the checkboxes to select the asset types this custom field should appear on for tasks.
  6. Click X to close the Search Asset Types window.
  7. Save Asset Custom Fields.

You can link multiple asset types to each custom field. The 'All Asset Types' button changes to 'Asset Types (X)', where 'X' is the number of asset types linked.


Once you've linked your custom fields and asset types, you can click Update Custom Fields on All Assets to easily apply your changes to periodic tasks. See Update Task Asset Fields