Progress Claims - Overview

Learn how to get paid throughout your projects by using Progress claims

Updated on July 27th, 2024

When you're managing a project with an agreed contract value, you can use a progress claim to invoice for the work completed at given points. Using Progress claims, you can be paid throughout the project.

Progress Claims are generally based on either:

  • % of Contract (estimated progress) - an estimate of how much of the contracted work has been completed at a given point, e.g. 20%. This method is most suited to projects where the total amount claimable is limited to the agreed contract value.
  • Task Actuals - the actual job costs (labour, materials, expenses) incurred to date.

You also have the flexibility to group costs by project, stage or tracking centres (if configured) on the progress claim.

Once your invoice has been prepared, you can also add one of the recommended Project Invoice Tables to your invoice layouts.